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Sherlock Holmes is a nincompoop.

It's been three days and he has yet to reply back to me. I know what you are thinking. No, I am not impatient. Desperate? Maybe. I visited his office. His good for nothing receptionist proceeded to inform me that he'd gone out of town. She wouldn't go into much detail which was frustrating.

So I'm doing the only logical thing, which is to find him and talk to him myself.

So here I am. In a carriage on my way to the Holmes residence. I tipped off the carriage boy, which has made this process ten times easier. I hope Sherlock doesn't make things more difficult than they need to be. I don't plan on leaving until I get a yes from him. My mother says I am quite determined. Maybe too determined at times. I personally see no issue with it.

A rugged stone family home comes into view. It's not ugly by any means. Just needs to be tended to. It looks like Mother Holmes let her garden take over the whole house. I'm sure that without the overgrown greenery it's a lovely establishment.

Ferndale Hall. I like it.

Once we are in front of the house the carriage comes to a halt. I tip the boy driving the carriage once more. "Thank you, lad."

"You're welcome, ma'am. Just keep this between us. Might affect my image if they hear I'm giving out addresses." He tips his patchy hat before heading off.

I watch him until he has disappeared down the road. I take in the sight of the house one last time before knocking on the front door. After a few seconds a middle aged woman answers the door. My light eyes meet her soft ones and I immediately know this will be a piece of cake.

"Oh hello!" She looks confused but continues to smile through it. "How can I help you, Miss?"

"Good evening." I clasp my covered hands together. "I am so sorry to barge in unannounced like this but I am looking for someone and I was wondering if you could tell me where-"

"Mr. Holmes." The golden haired woman calls out. "There's a young lady at the door looking for you." Well I suppose that does the trick.

I wait patiently at the door. I can't help but giggle at the man that approaches the door. He's got little to no hair and he has the silliest mustache I have every seen.

With eyes still on the ground he says. "Hello. How can I help yo- Oh my!" He gawks at my clothing. For what reason? I have no idea. "Not another one." He rolls his eyes.

"Sherlock?" I question. If this is really him then this will have been a complete waste of a trip. Though I do believe he was more handsome.

"What?! Absolutely not. I am Mycroft Holmes, the eldest." He continues to give me judging looks.

"Thank God!" I heave and hold my chest which is on the verge of busting out of this awful dress. "You had me frightened for a moment there." I wink making him walk away.

New footsteps approach and I am met with a man. A very tall, very handsome, very— No just a man. And well it's more of a chest that I am met with. He is very tall. I must add that to the list. Last time I saw him he was—not this attractive. He observes me for a bit too long before saying. "How can I help you?"

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