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My plan is to camp out in Enola's room until she gets back. Then again I don't know if she's out in town or cooped up in that pig stye of a room. Either way I need to see her. I am going to see her.

I walk into the lodging house and head straight for the front desk. Good thing Miss Greggory isn't here. They probably wouldn't let me in.

"I need to get into one of your rooms." I smile sweetly at the receptionist.

She gives me a confused look. "To rent or..."

"Oh no! Absolutely not!" I laugh. "I'm on a case." I sigh. I really hope she doesn't give me any problems. Then again I did just insult her.

"You're a detective?" She mocks me. She scans my body. "You don't look like a detective." Sorry I seem to have left my trench coat and magnifying glass at home.

"Yes well you don't look like a woman but I'm not giving you any problems am I?" I give her a calm look, acting as if I said nothing wrong.

She holds a hand to her chest. "I beg your pardon." She says defensively.

"I'll be heading upstairs now." I turn to leave but she jumps from her seat.

"You'll do nothing of the sort!"

"Oh yes I will. Because if you don't let me I'll let the inspectors know that your business is crawling with vermin and an unhealthy amount of mold." I point a finger at her. She freezes. I turn and head upstairs, a triumphant smirk dances on my lips.

Once I'm in her room I see it's even messier than before. There's newspapers all over the place. She must be looking for a message from her mother. Surely Eudoria wouldn't have had time to reply back yet, if she's seen it that is.

I walk to a corner of the room, a red dress is sprawled out on a chair. It's disgustingly damp and rather dirty. There's a dirty red rag laying in the floor as well. "Ah ha!" I spot some boyish clothes on the floor as well. "You are a gardener, Miss Holmes." I glance at the embroidery. "Or pretending to be one?" But why would she be? I look back at the newspapers. The one thing they all have in common? They are all turned to a page that's fully focused on the Marquess case. If I didn't know any better I'd say she's trying to find him again. Maybe even turn him in. I glance back at the blood stained rag. "What have you gotten yourself into, girl?"

I hear rustling and heavy footsteps. That must be her. I can't imagine anyone else wanting to stay at this establishment. I squeal and panic before sticking myself into the dark closet at the back of the room. The door opens, I don't have the guts to take a peek.

"Is this how you're living?" A male voice speaks up.

"Useless boy." Edith's voice rings in my ears.

"Did you just rent a room at the Ritz?" Enola retorts sarcastically. She sounds different when she's not yelling at her brothers.

"I afforded myself a shade more comfortable than this." The boy laughs.

"Well, the woman I boarded off assured me this was a fine room." Enola reassured.

I scoff quietly. "Mmm. The woman you boarded off lied."

"I have but a single bed, so you'll have to sleep on the floor." She says. Well at least she's old fashioned.

"You keep old newspapers?" He asks her.

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