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I bid Enola farewell before heading down the hall. I feel weak but I need out of here. I need to get Enola out, I need to find my mother's murderer, I need Sherlock, I need somebody. I need help really.

My dress feels like it weighs a ton. It might be all the blood soaked into the fabric. Or it because I haven't eaten and though I got some rest I don't have near enough energy to be escaping this place right now.

"Hey!" I look up to find one of the officers from earlier. "What are you doing out?" He calls out.

"Though it may be hard to believe, I've been released from my cell by Mycroft Holmes. That's classified information so forget I told you. Now if you'll excuse me." I brush past him but he grabs ahold of my arm tightly making me wince. "I said excuse me!"

"Oh you're not going anywhere with out talking to Grail." He chuckles. "Stupid girl." He drags me down a set of stairs.

"If I'm stupid then you must be an absolute moron." I spit. What a dimwit. "Your haircut is silly too."

"Grail!" He calls out as we step off the last step. "This woman seems to have lost the plot! I found her trying to escape."

"I have not gone mad you tosser!" I try to yank my arm away but he's just too strong.

"Evangeline?" I look across the desk to find my beloved Sherlock.

"Hello darling." I smile awkwardly. This must be how he felt when I found him drunk as a skunk. This is humiliating. Though I've done nothing wrong. I don't think I did at least. What's wrong with me? Of course I haven't.

His eyes linger on my arm. "What is the meaning of this? Unhand her at once!"

"I can't do that Mr. Holmes. She's been arrested for murder as well." I hate Grail's voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard.

"And I've been released!" I hiss finally yanking my arm away. "And if you don't believe me you can take it up with the british government." I go to walk towards Sherlock but Grail is blocking my exit with his cane.

"I can easily get you thrown back in there. I suggest you behave missy." He gives me a warning look and grabs ahold of my arm. I see Sherlock stiffen.

I lean towards his face. "And I suggest that you quit talking to me that way or else you'll be needing more than a silly old cane to get around."

"Was that a threat?" He quirks a brow.

"Not a threat, just a fact." I say through gritted teeth before pushing him out of the way.

Sherlock grasps my arms, I look into his worried eyes. "Are you alright?" He breathes out and his eyes trail down my bloody state.

"I'll explain later. Just get me out of here. Please." I plead with my eyes.

He nods and has me stand behind him as if he's shielding me. "Grail. I'm here for my sister. So if you can arrange her release, I'd much appreciate it. We'll be out of your hair in no time." Grail scoffs. "Need I remind you that Enola is my ward and a minor."

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