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"All that walking for library?" I take in my surroundings.

The Tea Rooms are quaint and cute. The wall of books and matching tea sets that hang on the wall is nice but I can't imagine what any of this has to do with Enola or Eudoria. They seem too tough for this. Maybe if I pull a book out a secret passage way will open up.

"It's not just a library, dimwit." Sherlock whispers.

My mouth falls open. "Was that an insult." I smile proudly. "I was just insulted by Sherlock Holmes. This is incredible."

"Would you quiet down!" He sighs and grabs my arm firmly before he pulls me to the next room over. A few couches are sprawled out across the floor and there's more walls decorated with books. "Remember that woman I was telling you about, Edith?" I nod. "Well she works here and she happens to know a lot about my mother."

"So you're hoping that she'll also know a lot about your sister." I quirk a brow at him.

"Exactly." He grabs a book off the wall. Shakespeare. How original.

"For your sake I hope she does too. 'Cause if she doesn't then that means that I'll have come for no reason." I look to him for a reaction.

"Well not exactly." He seems to struggle as he tries to find the right words to say. He's speechless. Why?

"Aww you wanted company." I tease pinching his shoulder.

He swats my hand away. "Stop it! Be professional." He snaps. I'd be intimidated but his cheeks are rosy. "We need to act more casual. She's right over there." He motions with his head. I follow but he snaps again and turns my face back to look at him. "Don't look over there!" He whispers. I glance down at his hand that's still squeezing my cheeks together. He quickly releases my face and grabs a random book off of the shelf. "Here just pretend like you're reading this." He hands me a copy of Little Women. Before swapping Shakespeare out for something else just as boring I'm sure.

"Pretend?!" I scoff. "I love this book." I flip to chapter three, The Lawrence Boy. It was always my favorite even though it tricked me into thinking Laurie and Jo would be together. I always hated that bit of the story.

"Grab a book, have a seat, and I'll be with you as soon as I'm free." I turn and smile at the dark skinned woman.

"Delightful." Sherlock turns to look at her. Her face goes blank. "Perhaps you could join us for tea." The woman who I am guessing is Edith says nothing and continues walking into a different room.

"I advise you not to..." She's gone. "walk away." He sighs before shutting his book.

"And we're off to a great start." I smile sheepishly. He rolls his eyes and drags me by the wrist into the next room. Which seems to be a kitchen.

"And yet you walk away anyway." He finishes.

She quickly turns to him."Whatever you think you know, Sherlock Holmes," She grabs a piping hot teapot and holds it towards him. "-please be advised that if you disturb any of my customers..."

"You'd hurt me badly?" He asks her. "I am well aware of your talents, Miss Grayston." He seems calm. "The question is, what you'd risk if I were to advise my friends in the government to take a look at this place." He admires the book in his hand. "I know my brother would be delighted to browse your seditious, dangerous, and extremely banned bookshelves." He then turns the book to her. Edith scoffs in response. "You see? We can both hurt each other. Now, please put the teapot down. In your hands, it is a mighty weapon." She smiles curtly before dropping it.

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