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*surprise this is how I imagine her dad looking😂


"Thank you for accompanying me, Enola."

"It's my pleasure, Evangeline." Enola smiles widely at me. "I mean after all you did have a small part in helping me escape."

I roll my eyes and nudge her shoulder with mine. "Small part? You do realize that I risked a lot for you?"

"If you say so, detective." She smirks. "Don't complain too much, you did get my brother thanks to me."

"If that's how you view it." I chuckle. We arrive in front of where the Lords are meeting. I spot Tewkie with his mother and uncle, who I only recognize from the papers. He spots us and approaches the gate.

"Congratulations!" Enola calls out. "You finally look like the nincompoop you were born to be." He bites his lip, looking down at his dress shoes.
"No. You look good. This is..." she examines him. "-good."

"The vote is in an hour." He nods to the large building behind him. "It's, um... It's quite the thing." He looks at me. "Lovely to see you, Detective Flem."

My genuine smile slowly fades into a fake one. "And here I thought you'd somehow grow into a fine young man in the last two days we haven't seen one another." I laugh. "At least you look the part."

"I just got done talking to your father." He mentions. "He seems a little off."

I bite my lip nervously. "Where's he run off to?"

I hear a deep chuckle. I look to my right to see my father, he lazily leans against a pillar. "You think I run? Ha! Poppycock." He shakes his head before approaching the gate. I move down so we're away from the future Mr. and Mrs. Bothersomeshire. "What brings you here?" He asks me.

I chew on the inside of my cheek. "How are you voting?" He quirks a brow. "The reform bill?"

"Same as your friend over there." He points to Tewkie with his cane.

"Uh good." I nod awkwardly before looking down. "That's good. Good, good, good-"

"You're so much like her." Father points out making me look back up to him. "Margie."

"I've been told." I push some hair behind my ears.

"She could've done so much more with her life if I wouldn't have held her back so much." He looks down at the ground. "You're grandfather has good reason to hate me."

"You were in love." I inquire. "You can't just lose feelings for someone because someone else doesn't like the idea of the two of you together." I shrug. "Personally I always thought it was uncalled for how grandfather acted."

He nods slowly. "Now why are you here? I know it wasn't to discuss this."

"Well it kind of is why I'm here." I fiddle with my ring on my hand. "I know you said to wait but please tell me why you left us." I give him a pleading look. "I just need confirmation about something."

He frowns, digging his shoe into the ground. "I wanted something more for you and your brother." He clicks his tongue. "For years I've watched society grow worse and worse by the day. I spent my childhood picking pockets and selling junk just to get by. I didn't want that for you and Samuel. So when I saw an opportunity to make things better I went for it. But then things took a toll, I wasn't with your mother as much which angered her, I wasn't giving you and Sam enough attention, I was just busy. I even bought land with money from our savings. That's how I landed the Lord title." He motions to his silly hat. "But you're mother never saw the big picture like I did and she told me to never come back." He lifts a hand in defense. "Now I don't say any of this to pin you against your mother. I have always loved her dearly and conflict between the two of you is the last I wanted to see. But with that being said,-" He takes a deep breath. "I wrote you back. I replied to every letter I received so I don't know what happened exactly but I just needed you to know that." My stomach churns as I feel a pang of guilt.

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