Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: The Miserable Little Sister-in-law

Xiao Xiao didn't wake up at all in the middle of the night. She was really tired. She had to take care of Danni and do some farm work during the day, and almost fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.

Roy was busy for most of the night and fed Danni spiritual spring water several times. She didn't dare to feed more antipyretics, so he could only dip cold water with a veil and make her a simple physical cooling.

When Xiao Xiao woke up in the morning, she immediately ran to Roy's room when she thought of her sick Daniel, and even forgot to knock the door.

Seeing Danni lying obediently in her sister-in-law's arms, Xiao Xiao was relieved and gently took the door of the room to cook breakfast for the two.

Roy was woken up by Danni's crying. The moment she opened her eyes, she was still a little unrealistic. After all, it was the first day here, and she was always a little unaccustomed to it.

She checked Danni's temperature first. It was very good and the fever had subsided. The legendary Lingquan fruit lives up to its reputation. It seems that she will be used as daily drinking water in the future.

Xiao Xiao had already prepared breakfast. Seeing Roy leaving the room with a big girl in her arms, she smiled sweetly: "Good morning, sister-in-law."

Roy nodded with a faint smile. Xiao Xiao in the book has always been very kind. Even if the supporting actress is heaven and earthly, she has always respected her sister-in-law.

However, Xiao Xiao's ending is not very good.

She didn't graduate from junior high school and finally married a farmer in the same village. Later, the man fell in love with a widow in the village and wanted to divorce Xiao Xiao.

He not only wanted to divorce Xiao Xiao, but also took a bite and said that Xiao Xiao put a cuckold on him and fell in love with the village bully.

The bully was very angry when he knew it and found someone to beat Xiao Xiao's husband. In an instant, Xiao Xiao cuckolded her man and was hammered to death.

After the divorce, Xiao Xiao was stunning and left Xiaojia Village when she had the opportunity to go out to work.

But to be strong, she didn't go to her brother, but went to a faraway city to work, and was finally targeted by traffickers...

At this moment, Xiao Xiao is just as old as a flower. Roy really can't associate her with the tragic character in the novel.

"Sister-in-law... sister-in-law?" Xiao Xiao shouted timidly again.

Roy immediately recovered and explained, "Sorry, I didn't sleep well last night."

Xiao Xiao didn't expect that her sister-in-law would say sorry to her for the last day today. Suddenly, she blushed shyly: "Well help my sister-in-law wash his face."

As soon as Roy wanted to say no, Xiao Xiao had already flown away like a bird.

This child is so revengeful!

In the book, neither the original owner of the first generation nor the supporting actress of the second generation, he did not look good to Xiao Xiao.

The original owner thinks highly of himself and can't see Xiao Xiao, who didn't graduate at first.

The second supporting actress was forced to lower her mind by the author. Anyway, no matter how annoying it is.

Roy complained about the brain-damaged author in his heart. He didn't know what's wrong with this man. He had to arrange such a miserable ending for the kind Xiao Xiao.

She remembers that when reading novels, readers leave messages to scold the author. Xiao Xiao is so kind that she can't help but abuse her!

But the brain-damaged author insists on being abused for abuse, and also said that he wrote the most sadistic article in the cool article and the coolest article in the sadistic article!

Roy just wants to whiten the author, but sometimes readers are like this. Knowing that the author is in the late stage of psychosis, he likes to chase other people's books, and even ask ten questions every day: Is it updated today???

Xiao Xiao quickly brought a basin of hot water: "Sister-in-law, wash your face." Then, she naturally took Danni over.

Roy was not polite to her. After washing up, she began to have breakfast. The rice porridge was eaten at home, which was better than that of ordinary people.

Xiao Fan joined the army at the age of 18. He was 26 years old and has been a soldier for eight years and has been promoted to deputy battalion commander.

He is very kind to his family. Almost every month's salary is sent home. Previously, it was sent to Brother Xiao's family, and then to Xiao Xiao. After getting married, he sent it to the original owner.

But the original owner and the supporting actress of the second have the bad habit of spending money, and they have to buy the best of everything.

Xiao Xiao has a good temper and always lets her sister-in-law. As long as she doesn't do anything too far, Xiao Xiao won't say anything.

After breakfast, Xiao Xiao went out to pick up firewood. Dani continued to sleep, and Roy carefully wandered the house and outside the house.

The yard of Xiao Fan's house is very ordinary. The walls are surrounded by thatch, one person tall.

The yard is very large, with a hall, two bedrooms, a humble bathroom, a simple thatched house, a kitchenette, and a utility room.

There is also an old locust tree in the yard. Not far away is a well. Next to the well is a row of clothes racks, and there are several old corns on it.

Xiao Fan's house is good in the village. Like the village head's house, it is a green brick house, while other villagers's house is still a dirt house.

With Xiao Fan's condition, it's very popular to put it in the village, but he has been in the army and rarely goes home once a year round.

The reason why Xiao Fan received the certificate from Roy this time was that one of his old leaders came to him and said he would introduce his friend's daughter to him.

At first, Xiao Fan was unwilling. When the old leader told the truth, he nodded.

Anyway, he doesn't have anyone he likes. Sooner or later, he will get married. The old leader has helped him a lot before. Since the other party has opened his mouth, Xiao Fan didn't mind the composition of the girl's family, so he agreed.

When Xiao Fan first met the original owner, he had a good overall impression of her.

He is not a romantic person. In this era, sometimes even food and clothing are a problem. He is not in the heart to talk about romance. Many people have been muddle-headed all their lives.

After the sun came out, Roy moved a chair to bask in the sun and began to plan for the future.

Wang Sheng, who pushed the original owner into the lake yesterday, should have good news soon.

Wang Sheng, who is quite bad in the book, not only deceived the stupid and beautiful original owner, but also deceived another girl in the village for the first time.

Later, the brain-damaged author asked Su Nian to clean up Wang Sheng and won the cheers of the villagers.

Roy couldn't help rolling his eyes when he thought of the brain-damaged author of this book.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, your eyes are uncomfortable?"

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