Chapter 17-18

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Chapter 17: Physical Examination

After finishing her work, Roy began to tutor Xiao Xiao, and Da Ni played on the kang. Occasionally, when she was tired of playing, she went to Roy to post it in her arms for a while.

Xiao Xiao is very smart. All the questions Roy has told her can be said to her, and she can draw inferences.

"Sister-in-law, your problem-solving ideas are much better than our teacher." Xiao Xiao didn't say that the teacher was not good, but in comparison, her sister-in-law's idea of solving the problem was simpler and clearer.

Roy nodded with a faint smile: "Just know it clearly, but don't let your teacher know that you will be jealous."

Xiao Xiao lowered her head and smiled. She had been able to mend Mr. Xu's anger: "Well, this is my little secret for me and my sister-in-law."


The next morning, Xiao Xiao rode to school, and Roy rode to the county hospital.

Originally, she wanted to put Danni into the space while she was asleep.

But after Danni lay in the cradle, she seemed to be so excited that Roy could only talk with Da Ni all the way.

Dani still looked understandable and answered her babblingly.

It's convenient to have a bicycle. You can go out whenever you want. You don't have to squeeze the tractor with everyone, and you don't have to worry about not being able to catch the tractor back to the village.

If he misses the time for the tractor to return to the village, Lao Wang will not wait for someone and drive away directly. Those who can't catch up can only walk back to the village, which will take more than an hour.

Roy hummed a little song and arrived at the county hospital in a while.

When the doctor heard that she was coming to have a physical examination for the child, he was stunned for a moment. The main reason was that she rarely encountered such a situation, and he was all treated with illness.

Roy reported all the projects she could apply for to Danni. If it hadn't been too inconvenient to go to the provincial capital, she might have taken Da Ni to the provincial hospital, and she could still be able to look for business opportunities under the provincial capital inspection.

It's November 1975. After the end of this year, the restrictions on speculative inversion will be slowly eased.

When the reform was opened up in 1978, it was to encourage business in an all-round way.

Before that, Roy considered laying the foundation first. When the clarion of reform sounded, she could quickly get rich and become richest man.

There are not many patients in the hospital. Danni's physical examination was completed soon. After a preliminary examination, she was in good health.

But there are still some projects that will not be available until Wednesday. Roy can only take Dani home first and wait until Wednesday to pick up the rest of the physical examination report.

Many hospitals at this time are handwritten. Unlike future generations who can work automatically by computer, they still made a lot of trouble during the physical examination today.

When Roy registered in the outpatient clinic, the name she filled in for Da Ni was Da Ni.

However, after passing through the departments, when Roy held Danni to get the report at the blood test window, the doctor inside kept shouting, "Huo Ni, who is Huoni?" Your blood test report has come out. Is Huoni there?

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