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As expected...Both jimin and eunwoo got scoldings from taehyung...
Jimin finished his work...Happy cause it was Sunday the next day...
He went to his boss and told him

"Sir I'm done with my work..."
Taehyung hummed...And said

"Be here tomorrow at 9"


"What do you mean why?"

"It's Sunday tomorrow"


"So I'm not coming tomorrow...It's a holiday tomorrow...No body works on Sunday"

"But I'm working tomorrow"

"Okay then...Do your thang...But I will not come tomorrow...It's everybody's off tomorrow...It depends on the person if they want to celebrate, go out, sleep, ruin it, work...It's not my problem that you're like a snail who can't complete his work on time-"
Jimin bit his toung...He knew he spoke too much...

"Is that so?...Fine then you can go"
Taehyung said...Jimin knew he forked up...But it's not like he could do anything about it now so he went out quickly...


Jimin was sleeping when his phone started ringing...Jimin picked up


"Get ready and come to office at sharp 4... We're going to Japan..."

Jimin quickly got up

"But it's sun-"

*Beep Beep*

Eunwoo came inside his room hearing him yell...

"What happened?"

"That foul loathesome evil little cockroach said we're going to Japan for a meeting and I've be at the office at 4-
Wait what time is it...OH MY GHAD ITS 3:15 ALREADY!!!"
Eunwoo closed his ears and said

"You go shower I'll pack your stuff"



Taehyung came out of his car and saw jimin standing infront of the office with a victory smile...

"Good morning sir"
Taehyung ignored him and told him to bring the black file from his office...Jimin came back with the file in his hands and saw his boss scrolling through his phone...

Jimin mumbled and went to taehyung...

"Here's the file sir..."

"Hmm...Let's go inside"

"Wha- but our flight?"

"Is at 9 A.M"

Jimin called and taehyung looked at him...

"Do you know how to ride a bike?"


"Then lemme guess...You were riding your bike without helmet one day and suddenly you got unbalanced and fell..
and because of that you got a head injury...Because if not THEN WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU CALL ME AT 4 A.M WHEN OUR FLIGHT IS AT 9-"

"Mind your language and lower your volume...Plus...I told you yesterday very nicely and calmly that you have to be here at 9 but you didn't agree...so here we are"
Taehyung said and went inside the office...Jimin stomped his foot angrily

"Rude ass! Monster! Germ cell! Alien! AGHHHHH"
Suddenly jimin got a message

Evil cockroach-

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