(12) Sorry

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Jimin woke up with his head aching...He felt nauseous and weird...

"Jimin! You're awake!"
He heard eunwoo...That's when He looked around and saw he was at his sweet heaven...

"How are you feeling?"
Eunwoo asked but got no reply...

"Jimin-ah! Are you okay?"
He shook Jimin and the pink haired male Flinched...

"Hey! Relax...It's me eunwoo"
Eunwoo tried to be strong and as soft as he could be...But the stupid tears continued flowing...Because these things remind him of the old Jimin...The depressed and scared 16 year old boy...

It came out as a soft whisper from eunwoo's mouth this time...And by that tone Jimin remembered that one day...


Jimin was sitting on his bed deep in his thoughts when the sudden knock on his door disturbed him...He looked at the door and saw eunwoo peeking...

He smiled and came inside with a tray of food...

"Leave me alone"

"That was rude...Anyways...Your dinner...And I know you will not say thank you...But still Your welcome..."
Eunwoo chirped and place the food on the table...He sighed when he saw Jimin spacing out...Eunwoo placed a hand on his shoulder...

"You can tell me anyth-"

Jimin pushed him away hardly...Causing his hand to hit on the sharp nail on the wall and bleed...

Eunwoo hissed in pain and jimin's eyes widened...He immediately ran to get the first aid kit...
Coming back in a hurry...He looked at eunwoo's hand and his eyes teared...

"I'm...I'm so sorry"
Jimin said cleaning the wound

Eunwoo whispered softly making him look up at the smiling male...

"Relax...It's blood...Not nuclear waste..."
Eunwoo said chuckling...

Just like the moon...He had a side of him...So dark, that even the stars couldn't shine on it...And eunwoo just so happens to be his bright light


*Flashback end*

Jimin sobbed and hugged eunwoo...

"I don- Don't know who pushed me...I went to...To get some med- medicine for my panick attack but- but someone pushed me inside that room..."
Jimin explained while eunwoo continued patting his head lightly...

"Shhhh...It's okay...Calm down...look you're all okay...All fine...We'll find that brat who pushed you in that room hmm?"
He chuckled when he saw Jimin nodding...He looked so cute with that red nose and chubby cheeks...


It's been a week after that incident and eunwoo knew it was jungkook but he couldn't tell anyone just like that...As no one would believe him...Mr. and Mrs. Kim were back too along with Taehyung's Grandma....They were really mad at Taehyung...Especially Mr. Kim... Taehyung on the other hand was going crazy as eunwoo was not Letting him meet and apologise to that certain pink haired boy... Whenever Taehyung went to their house eunwoo always told him that Jimin needs time...And would panick after seeing him...

Finally after 2 weeks Jimin came back and was welcomed with all the employees surrounding him...He got showered with all the affectionate compliments and gifts...

"Thank you thank you so much everyone...So now that I'm back let's start with a good joke....
There's a bunch of people living in the center of the earth...guess what language do they speak?"

Eunwoo sighed and intruppted

"You can't live in the center of the earth because it's too hot-"

"Core-ean....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA OH MAN I'M JUST HIRALIOUS...Hilories...Hirarus? Duck it...Big laugh hahahahahahah"

"It's hilarious-"

"Oh shut up"

Everyone laughed looking at Jimin and eunwoo...

"What's going on here?"
A sudden deep voice made all the smiles vanish in a second...They looked in the direction from where the voice came and saw Kim Taehyung standing there with his usual cold face...

"Mr. Park...In my office with my tea and my schedule..."
He said coldly and went inside his office...
Jimin rolled his eyes

"Alright guys...I think we should continue our work"


"Come in"

Jimin heard and went inside...He ignored taehyung who was staring at him and took out the schedule after putting the tea on the table...

"I'm sorry"
Taehyung suddenly spoke making the pink haired male look at him...


"I said I'm sorry Jimin..."


"For saying all that to you..."

Jimin chuckled

"It's okay Mr. Kim...Infact it's good... Atleast now I know that just like Mr. Kai...You too can't listen something against Mr. Jeon...I'll be careful from the next time..."

He bowed and went out...Tae sighed and took his schedule paper...

A tour of the new building
A meeting with the management company
And at last...Attend a party by Mr. Choi


"Sir you can take miss Zoya or Mr. Cha..."
Jimin said calmly

"Why? Who's my P.A Mr. Park...Miss Zoya or you?"
Taehyung replied...

"I don't like business parties..."

"Stop giving me excuses and be ready at 6...You can leave now to get ready..."

"WHAT? But it's 5:46 right now?!"

"Correction: 5:47...Be ready at sharp 6...You can leave now"

Jimin clenched his jaw and ran out... shutting the door behind him with a loud bang...Taehyung chuckled...


Jimin was throwing stuff here and there trying to find his wallet...
He called Eunwoo who was still at the office...

"Yah where's my Wallet?!"
Jimin yelled

"Yoo...Chill out...What's happened?"

"This bitch named Kim taehyung happened..."

"What he did now?"

"I am ninety nine percent sure that he literally got hit by something on his head...And if he didn't...I am pretty sure I will hit him with my baseball bat really soon..."
Eunwoo chuckled

"Can you believe...He ordered me at 5:46 PM that we are going to a party and get ready and be at your door at sharp 6...What a jerk...Rude ass...What he thinks of himself huh? He thinks a sorry can fix everything...And I-"

Jimin turned around ranting but stopped in midway when saw taehyung standing at his door...

Wow Jimin...You were born with this bad luck...


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