(7) Asshole Kim

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A woman in her 60s got down of the black limo...Her expressions very stern...She looked strict and definately not her age...
Mr. Kim saw his mother and bowed at her including all the servants and Mrs. Kim...

"Hm...Where's My Taehyung?"
She asked

"Uh Eomma He had some very important work in office...That's why he couldn't-"

"Fine...Let's go inside"
She said and went in towards the mansion


"Eomma-nim you need anything else?"
Mrs. Kim asked

"No...But tomorrow I will go to office with taehyung..."

"But eomma-"
Mrs. Kim was cut off by her mother in law glaring at him

"Ok Eomma nim...I'll tell taehyung"


Eunwoo asked yelling


"It's in my car"

"Your tie is in my wallet"

"How did it fit there?!"

"You wanna waste your time asking that when we're already late?"

"Yeah...You're right..."
Eunwoo ran away getting ready


They both entered stumbling but we're shocked looking at the reception area being so quiet...Jimin went towards the receptionist

"Yo yunji psst"

Yunji looked at jimin and wiggled her eyebrows asking him 'what?'

"Why is this place so quiet?"

"Mr. Kim's Eomma is here"

"So? She's often here...Why su-"

"Not Me. Kim! Other Mr. Kim"

"Uh...Which Mr. Kim?"

"The old CEO"

"Oh you mean Mr. Kim?"

"Yes...His Eomma is here...and she's very strict...She fired 3 employees already"



Jimin whisper yelled this time

"Yes! And you're late P.A nim...Only god can save you today"

"Wow...I wasn't expecting such a wonderful surprise"
Jimin said fake crying...


"Where's your P.A?"
Taehyung's grandma asked him


"Here on your service ma'am"
Jimin suddenly said and everyone looked at him...He was coming with 2 cups of coffee and some cookies

"Please be seated ma'am...Here this is for you"
Jimin placed the tray on the table infront of a sofa...
Mrs. Kim sat on the sofa and took a sip...She then looked at jimin who smiled nervously... Taehyung too noticed his grandma staring at jimin

"Grandma? Is it alright?"
Taehyung asked

"Hm...It's fine"
She said and jimin sighed relieved...She ate the cookies too...

"You made these?"
She asked jimin who nodded...


Taehyung yelled at Jimin who was looking down listening to taehyung bursting his eardrum

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