(9) Pony

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Jimin was walking towards his office when he saw jungkook...
What is he doing here today?
Jimin went to him and asked after bowing

"Um...Mr. Jeon?"

"Oh I'm here to meet Mr.Kim..."

"I'm sorry but sir is on a leave today..."


"I think...There must be a personal reason"

"Hmm...Then Take this pendrive..."

"What...Is this sir?"

"This is for the meeting that is about to happen day after tomorrow...The details...This is to be attached on the laptop in which your presentation files are..."

"Oh okay...Thank you Mr. Jeon"


Jimin opened the door of his apartment and saw taehyung and eunwoo playing some video game...

"Yes I won!"
Tae claimed happily...
Making eunwoo whine

"No you cheated!!!"

"I didn't"

"Yes you did"

"It's a video game...How can I cheat in it loser"

"Did you just call me a loser!"

"Oh yea I did loser"

"Yah!- Jimin?"
Eunwoo was about to say something but saw jimin at the door...

Eunwoo ran towards him and hugged jimin tightly...Jimin hugged him back
Taehyung felt something weird in his heart and his mood suddenly dropped...


The next day

Taehyung was fine now just a little cough nothing more...He was back to office and He was thankful to Jimin for whatever he did...

Jimin was in his office with the pen drive that Jung kook gave him...He inserted the pen drive when suddenly

"P.A nim...?"
Mina came inside and called him


"Um...If you don't mind...We all are having lunch together...Would you like to join? Manager cha is already there...It's just everyone's there but you...So..."

"Oh sure...Let's go..."

Jimin left the pen drive attached in the laptop as he was transferring the files into his laptop...


"HEYO guys! P.A nim is HERE!"
Mina said excited while everyone looked at Jimin and got excited for no reason at all...

Jimin sat on a chair...

"Ah P.A nim...It must be so hard following the CEO everywhere..."
Zoya said looking at jimin dreamily

"Hah...Well...It is...But I've mastered this art...Btw thanks for the treat...Now lemme say thank you by telling you all a joke"
Jimin replied
Eunwoo facepalmed himself

"What do you call a pony with a sore throat? A little hoarse BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
You can call it Kim taehyung too...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Oh man I'm hilarious"
Jimin was laughing hard but others were silent

"Yeah...Right Mr. Park...Maybe that's the reason I don't see anyone laughing"

Jimin heard a familiar deep voice from behind and his eyes widened...

"Jimin you are so dead"
Eunwoo muttered...
But jimin could only see the gates of heaven infront of him...

"In my office now Mr. Park"


Jimin was again punished with a bundle of files to complete...
He sighed cracking his knuckles...

"Ah...What a jerk...May every sock he wear be slightly rotated...Just enough to make him uncomfortable...May both sides of his pillow be warm..."
Jimin thought and sighed again...
He got up and went to taehyung's office...

"Here are the files..."

"Hmm...Get me a cup of tea"

"Excuse me?"


"No wait...I'm leaving now sir...It's already late"


"So it's dark outside and thanks to you eunwoo already left...He wanted to wait for me but the way you scold him...Now I have to go alone...Plus I am not a billionaire like you to have thousands of cars...We only had one car and eunwoo went in it...That's why I'm leaving Mr. Kim... Tomorrow is an important meeting and I don't want to be late and give you another chance to punish me"

Jimin said in one breath...He was panting while taehyung looked at him with a straight face...

"You done?"


"Let's go"


Tae sighed...

"Don't you wanna go home?"

"Obviously I do"

"I'll drop you...Come"

Tae said and went away... Ignoring jimin who was yelling behind him


"Stop cursing me in your mind"

Taehyung said not looking at jimin but the road...Jimin glanced at him...He looked Angry but cute...

Don't tell me he can read minds? If not that how did he-

Jimin thought...

"Mr. Park?......Mr. park!"

"Ah Y-Yes?"

Taehyung took a deep breath and said...

"I....Thought about what you said that night..."

"Which night?"

"That...Night at the party...You're my friend right?"

"Of course...You can tell me anything"

"So Jungkook and I talked after that and he said he...misses me..."

Jimin felt his heart clench

"But I denied and told him i want him only as a friend...Because that day you...called me your bf...He still thinks we are boyfriends"

He chuckled...

"You did great Mr. Kim...Moving on is not easy and the hardest part is believing and accepting...Which you did...I am so proud of you my bf"

Jimin said with his famous eye smile and taehyung swore his heart just did a flip...


As soon as the pink haired boy stepped out of the car...Eunwoo ran towards him

"Jimin! You...You are alive!"

"Great observation, Genius"
Jimin taunted

"I thought you might be a dead meat tonight"

"Well...luckily you really are a failure"
Min sighed and looked at taehyung who was watching them with some unexplainable emotions...Jimin smiled and waved at taehyung then looked at eunwoo smacking his head and sighed while going inside their sweet heaven

"God...I hate everyone..."
He mumbled going inside...

"Not me right?"
Eunwoo came from behind making jimin flinch...He glared at his bestfriend

"Especially YOU"

"Yaah jimin-ah what did I doooo"

Taehyung saw them going inside...A tired jimin and A whining eunwoo behind him...He sighed...something that lacked in his life was...People...
He had no one to share his feelings with...Just a lonely and heartbroken boy...Who is always misunderstood as cold hearted...Rude...And emotionless


That is it for now...
Maybe another update today?

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