(6) Jungkook

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"Where's Mr. Kim's office?"
The brown haired male asked to the receptionist

"Umm...Do you have an appointment sir?"
The receptionist asked

"No..But I'm the fiancé of The owner of the Japanese company which Mr. Kim is working with on a new project...My fiancé couldn't come so I'm here to discuss about a few things...."

"Oh...Okay please wait sir..."
She called Taehyung

"Mr. Kim said he'll be in the meeting room in a few minutes...Mr. Park is coming to get you...Till then..You can sit there "
She pointed at the sofa...

After a few minutes Jungkook saw Jimin coming to him...He smirked...
Jimin bowed to him

"Good morning sir...Please follow me"

Jungkook didn't say anything and followed jimin...
They entered in the elevator...

"So you're taehyung's boyfriend...Can't believe he could have such a bad taste"
Jung kook said looking at jimin...Jimin looked at him up and down and replied...

"Yeah...Me neither"
After saying this jimin again faced the front...

"Well...What did taehyung The CEO of Kim enterprises even saw in you..."
Jimin didn't reply

"Oh honey...Cat caught your toung or what? Ran out of comebacks?"
The pink haired male looked at jungkook and sighed

"What do you want me to say?"

"Hahahaha what can you even say to me...I'm the one Taehyung loved first...I can get anyone in just a blink of an eye...I've got money and power...You can't stand infront of me..."
Jimin looked so done...He blinked twice with a bored face and faced the front again...After a few seconds He chuckled...

"What's so funny?You don't have anything to say? Go search it on Google...'Savage comebacks' "
Jungkook said and chuckled...The pink haired male yet again looked at jk and smiled while saying

"I would call you an imbecile but that would be cruel as you wouldn't be able to spell it"

Right at that time the door of the elevator opened and jimin went out with a confused and angry jungkook behind him

"What does that word mean"

"Go search it on Google Mr. Jeon"
Jimin said and left smirking...


Both Jungkook and jimin entered the meeting hall and jimin was surprised to see Mr. Kim (Taehyung's father) there...(He was there as he was missing the company and everything alos he was bored so he came to spend some time)

Jimin bowed immediately

"Oh Jimin! Come sit-  Mr. Jeon?"
Mr. Kim said after he saw jungkook behind Jimin...

"Um...Hello sir...I'm here because Kai was a little busy today so he sent me"
Jungkook smiled sweetly

"Ah..It's alright please take a seat..I am here just to spend some time here... taehyung would be here anytime..."
Jungkook sat but jimin didn't...He told

"Sir I'll go look for manager cha and help him out"

"Okay Jimin...Also...Please get me a cup of coffee after that"

"Sure sir"


"i hAvE mOnEy aNd pOwEr...That beach just called me a nobody...How dare he..."
Jimin imitated jungkook infront of eunwoo

"Hmmm...We need to do something of this jungkook"

"I know right...But what"

Eunwoo smirked


Jimin came inside the meeting hall and saw taehyung already talking with jungkook...This made jimin feel a little uneasy for some reason...But he shrugged it and went towards Mr. Kim and gave him his coffee...

"Thank you Jimin"

"Welcome sir"

Jimin smiled and Mr. Kim returned the smile...They all sat and Eunwoo stood up to start the meeting...

"A very good morning everyone...So as we all know about the plan...And To execute it...I think the best option is to advertise a little and spend a little more on the quality...As we want to set up our units in other big countries like china and India...We should work on getting customer's trust... We're already very popular all over the world so much advertisement is not needed...The last project earned a lot of attention because the product was a lot better than other brands...So that is what I think..."

Eunwoo finished...

"When was the last time you all had a meeting?"
Jungkook asked...

"It was a month ago..."

"A month? That's a long time...That's why I don't see the aura a manger should have in you...You people should arrange more meetings to know whether everything is on track or not..."

"When project teams don't trust each other to follow through with commitments, you get more meetings to make sure everything is still on track. And when managers don't trust their team to do quality work, you get more meetings to micromanage. Organizations spend roughly 15% of their time on meetings, with surveys showing that 71% of those meetings are considered unproductive. An estimated $37 billion is lost per year to unproductive meetings. So We don't waste our time on meetings instead we try working more on making our products, selling techniques, company and other things better....Didn't Mr. Kai tell you that before sending you here Mr. Jeon"

Jimin and other employees were controlling their laugh... including Mr. Kim

"That is what I call a manager...Mr. Cha...Exactly what you did right there...Neither I had any problems before nor do I have now...I agree with whatever you said"
Jungkook smiled

"So I think that is it for this meeting...You all can continue with the work... Dismissed"
Taehyung said in his usual cold voice...

"Um..Mr. Kim can we talk in private?"
Jungkook said to Taehyung who nodded and they both left for taehyung's office...
Everyone left and jimin looked at both of them leaving with sad eyes...Mr. Kim noticed this but didn't say anything...


Jungkook came outside with taehyung behind him...He looked at jimin smirking...Jimin felt uneasy...
Jungkook went to drink some water...As he was walking while smirking at jimin suddenly out of no where he slipped...Turns out someone spilled oil in his way-

"AH! WTF!! MY $16,000 OUTFIT!!"

Jimin who was standing besides taehyung laughed...Making tae glare at him

"Did you do it?"


"Then why are you laughing?"

"Cause who ever did this..Is a freaking Genius"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and went to help jungkook...Jimin made a face

"He's such a bipolor ass"

Suddenly jimin saw eunwoo...He widened his eyes realising eunwoo did this...Then grinned at him



"Yes honey?"
Mr. Kim asked his wife

"Your Eomma said she's coming"

Mr. Kim yelled

Oh no...That's not a good news...

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