(10) Where is Jimin?

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As always Jimin and eunwoo was late...Eunwoo ran towards his office while jimin ran towards the meeting room to check the arrangement for today's meeting...It was a very important meeting today and Jimin didn't want anything to go wrong...

Meanwhile Eunwoo was getting ready for the meeting...
He suddenly remembered something and ran towards Taehyung's office


Eunwoo knocked on the door after a second he heard a deep voice saying 'come in'
Eunwoo peeked his head inside

"Can I bother you for a second?"

"You always bother me"
Tae mumbled


"Nothing...What is it?"

"Um Don't go in the basement as for the manufacturing of medications...Chloroform is being used...And nobody is allowed there for today...The people will start their work from tomorrow onwards..."

"Oh okay...Tell everyone about it..."

Eunwoo nodded and bowed


Everyone was in the meeting room along with jungkook, Kai and a few employees from their company...
Jimin stood up and went towards the laptop attaching the pen drive that jungkook gave him...

He played the video but nothing came on the screen...He again tried and nothing happened...Jungkook smirked...

"Umm...Mr. Jeon?"
Jimin called

"Yes Mr. Park?"

"Why is this pendrive not working?"

"How would I know that Mr. Park? You are the one who made the presentation"

"But you gave me this pen drive..."

"When did I? Come on Mr. Park...This was already decided that your company will make the presentation..."

"But that day you came and gave me this pen drive sir"

"So you mean to say I am lying?"

"No sir but y-"

"Enough Mr. Park..."
Taehyung interrupted

"It was already decided then why would Mr. Jeon give you that pen drive..."
Tae added

"But sir trust me he-"

"Do you have any proof?"
Jungkook asked

"...........We were in my cabin and you know very well Mr. Kim...There's no camera in my cabin"
Jimin replied...

"Oh come on Mr. Kim...I didn't expect this from your company's P.A... They forgot to make their presentation because of their irresponsible and lazy behaviour and now your P.A is accusing my fiancé..."
Kai said...Disappointed

"I am so sorry Mr. Kai...I think we should postpone this me-"
Tae was cut off by Jimin

"NO wait!"

Taehyung glared at jimin clenching his jaw...

"What now Mr. Park"

"Um...Mr. Cha?"

Eunwoo replied

"Could you please get your laptop"

The black haired male nodded and went out of the office to get his laptop

"What are you doing now Mr. Park?"
Jungkook frowned

"Please be patient sir"

Eunwoo came back with his laptop...And everyone waited...After about 5 minutes the digi board infront of them lit up with the presentation...
Jungkook's eyes widened...While others were confused...

"I...Always keep a backup file...No matter if someone give me a pendrive or something...And Mr. Kai...I hope you now know that We are not irresponsible or lazy...It's just We trust others easily...Any ways...Let's get done with this meeting"

Jimin replied and eunwoo looked at his bestfriend proudly...He gave jimin a thumbs up...The pink haired male started the meeting...


"The presentation was great Mr. Kim...And i am sorry for my words earlier...It's just I can't listen something against my Jungkook"
Kai said looking at jungkook with a smile who fake smiled back...Tae forced a smile too...

"It's totally fine Mr. Kai..."
Taehyung shook hands with Kai

"Okay then...We'll be leaving now..."

"Um Kai! Can I talk to Mr. Kim for a second?"
Jungkook said

"Sure love...Go ahead"

"Not here babe...Privately?"

Kai looked at taehyung who nodded


"Taehyung...The way your boy friend accused me was not good...You know how sensitive I am...I feel embarrassed..."
Jungkook sobbed and hugged taehyung...Tae hesitated but hugged him back...

"Shhh...Don't cry kook...I'll teach him a lesson so that he won't do something like that ever again...Okay?"
Jungkook sniffed and nodded making taehyung smile...


Tae yelled at Jimin infront of everyone as soon as Kai and his employees left...

"Sir...I- I already told y-"


Jimin sighed and looked down...

"Sir Kim...I think we should-"
Eunwoo tried to say something but was cut off by taehyung

Tae rubbed his forehead...Huffing in anger...Eunwoo looked at jimin who was looking down and left after bowing

"You are so immature...Always late at work...Talking shit about me on my back...Don't you have any sense about what you should do or say?! Are you a 2 year old kid?! Can you imagine how much embarrassed jungkook must have felt when you accused him?! GROW THE HELL UP FOR GOD'S SAKE! ACT A LITTLE BIT LIKE YOUR AGE!
How come my dad even hired you...You're not worth it"
Taehyung said mindlessly but the last thing he said was enough to trigger Jimin's childhood trauma...His breathing got unstable...And eyes filled with fear...He remembered how he used to get treated in the cafe he worked...The owner often used to say that...It remind him of the bullying he faced...

"what are you looking at now?! LEAVE!"
Taehyung again yelled making jimin flinch and run out hurriedly...His hands shaking while opening the door...He finally managed to open it and run out...
Taehyung sat on his chair and sighed...


The CEO was working on something when the door opened and a furious eunwoo came inside...His hair messed up...Palms sweaty...shaking with anger...He went to taehyung and held his collor

"Where is Jimin? What did you say to him?"

Eunwoo's voice was ten times deeper...His eyes cold and bloodshot...

"What are you doing-"


"How would I know where is he...I- I told him to leave...And...And then I don't know where he went..."

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