(11) Stupid

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Jimin didn't knew where he was going...His palms were sweaty...Knees weak and arms were heavy...Unstable breathing...Stumbling and struggling to walk...For Sure he was having a panick attack after almost a decade...
He went to the basement where usually the medicines are kept...

His eyes were glossy...He was having difficulty in seeing...Suddenly he felt someone pushing him inside a room and locking the door...

Jimin could see the person as they were quick enough to shut the door...The room smelt weird...It was ether like sweet...Jimin got up and ran towards the door...He started banging the door


A few minutes passed by and the smell only increased making jimin feel nauseous...He was already having a panick attack and this didn't help the situation at all...

10 minutes passed by and Jimin started feeling dizzy...His head felt heavy...Knees went numb...Felt a little shortness of breath and irritation...Eyes droopy...Lips wobbling...Hands shaking...Irregular heartbeats...Dry mouth...Jimin felt everything around him going round and round...Finally his hands stopped shaking and knees gave up...He fell back and his eyes closed totally...Jimin fainted


Taehyung and eunwoo were looking for him everywhere...

"You look for him at your house...and I'll check in the office"
Taehyung said to him and rushed towards the rooftop...

He opened the gate of the rooftop and saw no one...He searched all around but couldn't find him...It's already half an hour they are searching for him...
Taehyung held his head...He groaned when nothing came in his mind...
He pulled his hairs and slapped himself...When suddenly...

"What if...What if he's in...In the base- Base ment..."

Taehyung wasted no time and ran down the stairs...He could feel his heart thumping loud in his chest...Tae opened the door and ran down the basement stairs...A sweet smell hit his nostrils...Tae covered his nose with a handkerchief...He checked all the rooms and finally saw a room locked...He opened the door and as soon as he did that...He saw Jimin laying on the cold floor...Sudden feeling of guilt and regret filled him...He ran towards the unconscious boy...And dropped on his knees taking the younger in his arms...Supporting his head with a hand behind his neck and the hand on his waist holding him up...

He shook him...
Tae took his hand away from jimin's waist and put it on his cheeks shaking him again...Tae looked at his pale face...He removed the pink hair sticking on his sweaty forehead...

"Jimin-ah wake up please"
Taehyung's eyes teared...For the first time in decades...The cold and heartless CEO...Felt his heart stop seeing someone who he didn't even knew properly, in this condition...What was this guy doing to him?...Tae picked jimin up in bridal style and went upstairs...The employees were shocked to see tears in their cold CEO's eyes...But they were more concerned about Jimin...

"What happened to P.A nim?!"
Mina asked...Taehyung ignored them and went to his office with Jimin in his arms...

"Call manager Cha!"
Zoya said to Mina...


Taehyung put Jimin on the sofa and called the doctor...He then opened the windows allowing fresh air to come inside so that jimin could breath in properly...He went besides his unconscious body and dropped on his knees...holding jimin's hand...

"I'm sorry...This is all because of me...You were right...I'm such a jerk Jimin-ah..."

Suddenly the door burst open and eunwoo came in running...He held jimin by his cheeks

"Jimin! Jimin-ah...What did you do to him?"
Eunwoo asked glaring at taehyung...

"I...I didn't do anything...I found him in the basement"

"Base-Basement? Chloroform? He-"

"Eunwoo please...calm down..."

"Mr. Kim?"

They both heard someone... Taehyung turned around and saw doctor...


Currently they both were waiting outside along with almost whole staff...
Taehyung's was sobbing while hiding his face in his palms...When he felt a arm around him...The person Hugged him...He looked up to see who it was and...


"Shhh...Calm down...He will be fine"
Jungkook again hugged him...

Eunwoo who was standing infront of the room glanced at jungkook...
At first he didn't care but then he noticed something

"What happened to your hand?"
He frowned looking at jungkook's red hand with itchy marks

"Ah nothing...Just allergy...Korea's water is very different from Japan's...You know"
Jungkook replied

"But it was fine today morning...?"

"Were you noticing my hand all the time?"

"That's not the answer of my question Mr. Jeon-"

He was cut off by The doctor coming out...Eunwoo immediately went to him...but Taehyung beat him by reaching the doctor faster...

"How is he?"

"The room was full of Chloroform...And due to sudden exposure with it...Mr. park was strong enough to fight with it...Many people might have been dead by now because of the level of Chloroform he inhaled...It was very wise of him to use his clothes as protection...I think he was having a panick attack while this happened... Causing him shortage of breath...Therefore less amount of trichloromethane reached his lungs...But still...Chloroform can be toxic if inhaled or swallowed. Exposure to chloroform may also cause cancer...It can harm the eyes, skin, liver, kidneys, and nervous system...He might show some central nervous system effects, such as depression and irritability...He is a lucky guy who survived..."

The doctor finished...

"Um...Is he your boyfriend?"
The doctor asked looking at eunwoo

Taehyung yelled mindlessly...

"I-I mean he is his bestfriend..."

"Oh...My bad...Here are some prescriptions...And some medicines...When he wakes up...He might feel numb and..."
The doctor and eunwoo both went away talking and taehyung went inside...


"Taehyung-ah He'll be fine...You should not disturb him...Come with me.."
Jungkook insisted but Taehyung denied

"Miss Mina!"
Tae called one of his employees

"Yes sir?..."

"Tell the driver to send Mr. Jeon home"


"Jungkook...Please leave"

Jungkook sighed...and left...


While leaving...Jungkook and eunwoo met...And automatically eunwoo's eyes went to his hands...He then ignored jungkook and went to jimin...

He went inside the room and saw taehyung sitting on the floor besides Jimin and caressing his hands...

Eunwoo's eyes widened...Jimin's hands...Same itch marks and redness...The difference is...Jimin's face was red too because of rashes and infection...


Triple update 🤝🌚

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