(20) Jealousy

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After a few hours the doctor came out...As soon as jimin and taehyung saw him they ran towards him...

"Doc-Doctor...How is he?"

Jimin asked

"He is fine now...But it will take him some time to be conscious again"

Relief rushed through jimin...

"Thank you so much doctor..."

Tae said...the doctor nodded and gave him a smile before leaving...

"Jimin...It's very late...You should go home... I'm here for him"

Min shook his head and denied...Tae sighed

"Okay...As you wish...I'll go get some coffee for you"

Tae said and was about to leave but got stopped by jimin

"No wait...I'll come with you"

He said making taehyung smile...

They both went down to the cafeteria... Taehyung bought jimin and himself a coffee...

As they both were sitting besides each other...Tae was just casually sipping his drink but jimin...He was deep in his thoughts...

He was feeling guilty about taehyung being stuck here with him...But at the same time it was nice having his company...The way he comforted him...Hugged him...He was cut off by taehyung shaking him



"Where were you lost?"



Tae nodded and looked away again...

"I like when you call me by my name"

Jimin said catching tae off guard and causing him to choke on his coffee...

"OMG! What happened"

" *Cough cough* What do you mean by that"

"Nothing... Don't mind"

Tae wanted to ask if he meant what he said..But just nodded...


Right now...Taehyung was attending a call...He was little far from Jimin...He could see tae but not hear him... Taehyung was done talking but suddenly he saw a nurse went to him and they started talking about something...The nurse gave him some paper to sign...While tae was signing the papers...Jimin saw that nurse looking at tae with heart eyes...The pink haired male narrowed his eyes and frowned his eyebrows...Tae gave her the papers back and smiled at her...She went away after giving him a bright smile...

"Wow...With me his face is always like I've stolen his money or something...And with her...He's all smily..."

Jimin mumbled angrily...
Tae came and sat back besides the pink haired male who was already annoyed...tae seemed to notice that...So he asked

"Um...What happened"

Jimin got more annoyed by that




Tae flinched by the sudden raise in voice...

"Geez...Okay...You didn't have to yell at me like that...I just asked what happened"

"Oh yeah...Why don't you ask that nurse..."

"....Which nurse?"

"Woah woah woah...Now You don't even know her..."

"Ooohhhh that nurse...Why would I- wait...Are you jealous Mr. Park?"

Jimin's eyes widened

"What...Noo...I don't care...You know her name...Have her phone number...Do whatever you want...It doesn't bother me...huh"

"Okay then...Imma go get her phone number"

Tae said and got up but was pulled back by jimin


"What? it doesn't bother you right...Then let me go and get her phone number..."

Tae smirked

"I...It doesn't bother me but that nurse..."

"Is that so?...But she looked happy while talking to me..."

"No she didn't...It's just you're very self centred"

"Excuse me...I'm not self centred...You are!"

"Oh yeah? How so?"

"Always thinking you're so funny with those lame jokes of yours..."

"Yah!! How dare you insult my jokes... They're funny as hell...You need some high IQ to understand them...Not my fault your IQ is somewhere between MINUS 30 TO MINUS 40"



"Excuse me...Can you both not shout please..."

The same nurse from before came and stopped them...

"Um...We are very sorry..."

Tae bowed and gave her an apologetic smile...Which made jimin roll his eyes...

"Oh wow...Mr. alien would die rather than apologising to me...But to her...'wE aRe vErY sOrRy' That too with that smile"

Jimin thought and scoffed...

"I was just talking...He's the one who started the fight anyway..."

Tae mumbled but jimin heard it...

"What did you just say?"








Tae stopped when he looked at the nurse glaring at both of them...
Jimin also noticed her and scoffed then went towards the lift...

Tae bowed to her saying sorry again and went behind jimin...


This book is about to end real soon...
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