Caught in a trouble (18)

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"What the hell? YOU SAID YES TO HIM?!"

Jimin yelled making eunwoo close his ears...

"Lower your volume...Loudspeaker...and i didn't knew what else to say...So I said yes to them that I will go to their mansion and give those files..."

"But I don't feel good about this"

Jimin said worriedly...Eunwoo noticed it and sighed, Sitting and making jimin sit besides him...

"Come on Jimin...I'll just go, give them the files and come back...simple"

"I don't like that jungkook guy"

Eunwoo chuckled

"As if I do...Anyways...How was your date with Mr. Kim"

Jimin blushed at eunwoo's question

"It...It was not a date"

"Yeah yeah...Whatever...How was it"

"It was nice... He's such a good artist...He made a painting of me..."

Jimin smiled as he remembered what happened in the park


"It's done"

Taehyung said...And smiled a little looking at his work...

"Really? Show me"

Tae showed him his painting and to say it was beautiful would be an understatement...
Jimin was completely awestruck...

"Mr. Kim it's...It's so beautiful...I didn't knew you're such a great artist"

"Thank you Jimin...But I'm not an artist tho"

Tae showed his boxy smile...Damn who'll talk about his art when this man right here is a piece of art himself...


"Oh oh...I see you blushing kIM jIMiN"
woo teased getting a smack from Jimin...


Eunwoo looked at the huge mansion infront of him...He took a deep breath and went in...The guards stopped him at the entrance...He showed them his ID
And they let him go...

The huge door was opened by a maid...He smiled at her and she smiled back welcoming him...He saw jungkook sitting on the sofa...Jungkook looked at him

"Oh! Manager cha! You're here! Come sit"

Eunwoo nodded and sat there...

"What would you like? Tea? Coffee?-"

"Um... Nothing...Please call Mr. Kai...I need to go to the company as soon as possible"

"I see...But Kai is not at home right now..."

Eunwoo noticed the maid going out of the mansion and closing the door...It made him feel uneasy but he ignored and asked jungkook

"What do you mean? You know I need his signature right?"

"Yeah baby...I know...But you know...I told him that you're not coming..."

Jungkook said standing up and moving closer to eunwoo...

"What! Why-"


Jungkook shushed him putting his finger on eunwoo's lips...

"Let's have some fun love...Just you...And me..."

Eunwoo pushed jungkook away

"WHAT THE HELL MR. JEON! I'M NOT THAT TYPE OF GUY...You know what...I'm going...And I'll tell Kai everything"

Eunwoo started to leave but stopped when jungkook said

"Okay fine...Leave...But remember...He's not gonna believe you...And the deal...will be cancelled...Your boss will get a billion dollars loss...He will fire you and your lovely bestfriend..."

Woo looked at him and clenched his jaw...

"You're such a bitch jungkook"

Jungkook chuckled

"Aw baby...You remember your friend was locked inside that basement...Guess who did that"

Jungkook smirked moving closer to eunwoo...

"I knew it! You whor-"

"Complete that sentence and I'll cancel the deal"

Jungkook said gripping on eunwoo's hair harshly making him yelp

"Awh...My Poor Baby...Did i hurt you?"

Jungkook forced eunwoo to sit on the sofa...He sat on his lap and started kissing his neck...

Eunwoo closed his eyes with disgust...

Jungkook started opening eunwoo's shirt...He was about to kiss him when suddenly the door bell rung...

As soon as the door bell rung...Jungkook screamed while scratching his own arms and tearing his shirt...All this made eunwoo confused...

After the scream...Eunwoo heard the door opening...He looked back and saw Kai...

He heard Jungkook crying...He was on the floor holding his shirt...Kai was now fuming in anger...He came towards eunwoo...Held his collor making him stand

"Sir..let me ex-"

Eunwoo was cut off by a punch


Another punch

"He was the one-"

Eunwoo tried to say but was cutt off my another punch which made his mouth bleed



Taehyung shouted at his employees...

"We- We don't know sir...We received an e mail today from mr. Kai..."

"Where is Mr. Park?"

Taehyung huffed angrily


The employees were scared to tell him

"He what?"

"He went somewhere in a hurry"

This made taehyung even more angry


"No idea sir...He said he have some important work"


"Ok sir"

They bowed and went out of taehyung's office hurriedly...

Tae sat on his chair...With his head in his hands...


What do y'all think will happen next?
Stay tuned...Maybe double update today 😏

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