(16) The past and present

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Taehyung layed on his bed staring at the ceiling...deep in his own thoughts...
He suddenly heard his door opening...And his mom coming in with a tray in her hands...He sat up


She kept the tray on the side table and looked at her son

"I'm not hungry mom"

"Oh yes you are..."

"No seri-"



Mrs. Kim sighed and sat on the bed...

"Come here"

She opened her arms for her son...Who immediately dived in keeping his head in her lap...She started playing with her hairs...

"Your hair...It's rough...Needs oiling..."

"Not that sticky oil please"

"Oh shut up...My homemade oil is the best"

"Really? I remember it made half of my hair fall...I was on the verge of getting bald because of it"

"You didn't just insult my oil"

"oh yes I did"

Mrs. Kim hit her son playfully...They both chuckled...And soon the room was quiet...

"When will you tell Jimin about your feelings?"

She said out of the blue...

"Huh?...What feelings?"

"Stop being so dense Tae...Everyone know how you feel about him..."

"Was I that obvious?"

They chuckled again...

"But seriously tae...He's a very nice guy...Happy and bubbly... Perfect for you"

"That's the problem mom...He's way to perfect for me...Eunwoo is the one for him...I don't deserve him..."

"That's not the problem son...You know what the actual problem is...? It's that you don't think you deserve something and then you ruin it...Jungkook is with someone else now...He moved on...And you're still waiting for him...Why can't you move on?"

"He moved on because he was not in love...He never was...But I loved him with my whole heart...."

"So does that mean you will hurt the one who loves you for the one who never did?"


"He doesn't love me..."

"He does...You just never noticed the hint of jealousy whenever he sees you with jungkook...The way he blushes when you compliment him...The way he looks at you with stars shining in his eyes when you're not looking...You never noticed tae..."

Taehyung went silent...His heart was beating so fast that it felt like it will come out any second...Mrs. Kim sighed and said

"You've tried enough darling...It's time to let go...and be happy...You were giving priority to the one who treated you like an option...Now give some love to one who deserves it..."

Taehyung sniffed and nodded hugging his mother who hugged him back...


"Jimin-ah...I'm sorry...Please..."

Eunwoo knocked on the door...

"Leave me alone Eunwoo...This is the reason you never let me inside your bedroom...You just think of me as your responsibility and nothing else..."

Eunwoo sighed resting his head on the door...

"Fine...I'll tell you everything...You got 2 minutes...I'm waiting in my room..."

Eunwoo said and jimin heard his footsteps fading away

He quickly wiped his tears and opened the door, running towards eunwoo's room...

He knocked on the door but got no reply so he decided to just go inside...He went and froze...The front wall was filled with their photos and Polaroids...Beautiful memories came flooding back...Jimin's teary eyes scanned the whole room and saw a photo frame on the table...It was his and eunwoo's first photo...

He went near it and held it...But Flinched when he suddenly heard eunwoo from behind him

"Our first photo..."

Jimin looked at him and nodded...The taller male went near jimin and hugged him from behind...

"Eunwoo...I know you're ignoring me because of taehyung...But that doesn't mean my feelings for you will change...I can even leave taehyung for you...You're my bestfriend...But I think I'm no one to you...If i was then was i not trust worthy?"

"Yah noo...There's nothing like that...It's just...You were going through a hard time...nothing was right...And a few years after that everything was perfect...Every thing for right...So I never felt the need to bring up the past memories again"

Eunwoo heard jimin crying so he broke the hug and looked at him

"Ayy shhhh...You know I don't like tears in your eyes right?"

"Why didn't you fall for me? Am i ugly?"

Eunwoo smiled and said

"Don't worry you don't look ugly after doing make up"

He received a smack

"Yah! I'm serious you lobster!"

Woo chuckled sitting on the bed and making jimin sit besides him

"Now ask whatever you want to..."

"How do you know jungkook?"

"Just a teenage crush"

"You had a crush on him?"

"No...He had a crush on me"


"Geez! Don't shout...And yes"

"Then what happened to Taehyung?"

"I don't know about that....Because he joined our college in the last year which is impossible for a poor student...But since his father was rich he got admission in our college...So maybe him and Taehyung were a thing in other college...He asked me out but i rejected...So he...He started hanging out with my....My bestfriend...Who madly fell in love with him...But...When he told jungkook how much he loved him...Jungkook broke his heart and laughed at him saying that he was using him to get close to me... and then my bestfriend...He....he...."

Eunwoo broke down in tears and Jimin hugged him tightly...Patting his head softly...

"That's why I never fell for anyone...Never had courage to love someone...He didn't deserve that-"

Jimin just kept listening to his friend...Which was making his heart tear

"I'm so sorry eunwoo...I never knew..."

"Jimin-ah you'll never leave me like him right?"

Eunwoo asked clinging onto Jimin as if his life depends on him...

"I will never...Never ever leave you eunwoo no matter what"

Jimin said wiping eunwoo's tears


That is it for today fellas... How's the story so far? 🌝

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