(13) Drunk

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Jimin's heart was beating faster than the car he was in...
He looked at taehyung who was driving with a straight face...He didn't say anything to jimin except "I'll be waiting in my car"

They finally reached the party venue...Jimin just wanted to get out and run away, disappearing into the crowd where Taehyung can't find him...

And that's what he did...He got out as soon as possible


Throughout the party... Taehyung looked distant... Jimin noticed him going outside the hall after greeting everyone...He followed Taehyung...And saw him sitting on a bench near the fountain...
The place was beautiful with the moon shining bright and the calming sound of water coming from the fountain along with a gentle breeze...The black haired male was sitting with his back facing Jimin...And no matter how much Jimin wanted to go back inside leaving him alone here...There was something about Taehyung that seemed off...
Jimin sighed and went near him...

He silently sat besides Taehyung on the bench...Jimin saw him looking at the moon...His eyes were soft...Hurt...And a little glossy...
After a minute of silence...He called Jimin

His Eyes still fixed on the moon while The shorter looked at him...

Taehyung halted not knowing how to start...

"I am sorry...I really am...And I know that a sorry can't fix everything...But I can't do anything with myself...I know you hate me...I hate myself too...No matter how much I try to trust someone...I can't...I want to be happy too..."
Tae broke down for the first time infront of Jimin...Well That day on the rooftop Taehyung didn't break down...Just a few tears which he hid even before anyone could see it...

Jimin sighed and stood up... Taehyung thought that he was leaving but no...Soon he felt two arms snaking around his neck and hugging him tightly...

"Hate is a very strong word Mr. Kim...I don't hate you...Infact Nobody does...I'm just a little bit disappointed...But that doesn't mean I won't be there for my bestfriend...I got you..."
Jimin smiled softly at Taehyung who looked up at him...He looked like a literal angel with that heavenly eye smile and moon behind him making him look more etheral...His scent was calming...Tae encircled his arms around jimin's waist and hugged him...Finding comfort in jimin's chest...


The main ceremony just ended and Taehyung turned to look at Jimin but frowned when he didn't saw him...He looked around and saw him drinking at the mini bar kind of area in the corner...And well...Looks like he's....Drunk...

"Sir you're drunk...I can't give you mor-"

"But I want-"


The drunk male's eyes widened when he heard a deep voice calling him...
He looked back and gasped...

"Oh lala..."

"You're drunk...Let's get you home-"

"You're so handsomeee"

"Ok...you're really drunk..."

Taehyung sighed...


Eunwoo knocked at the door of an apartment...
A very handsome man opened the door and gasped after seeing him...


"Hello Jin hyung!"

"Hey...What are you doing here this late?"

"Um...Actually Jimin went to a business party...he might come back late...so I thought...why not have dinner and drinks with you and namjoon hyung...I missed your delicious food..."

"Oh why thank you...come inside...We were about to have dinner..."


"Oh my gahd! Is that a monkey?"
Jimin asked trying to run but was held tightly by taehyung...

"No jimin! He's a human! I'm so sorry sir...He's just really really drunk"
Taehyung grunted at jimin and apologised to the man who just got called a monkey...

"God...I regret parking my car so far away"
The taller male sighed...But his eyes widened when he heard jimin yelling

"Help! Help! This old man is kidnapping me!!"
Lucky for taehyung that there was no one on the road...He quickly put his palm on jimin's mouth shutting him up

"You're a headache when sober...But a whole freaking brain tumor when drunk...What did i do to deserve this"


"Namjoon bro...You know...she said that I look like over cooked spaghetti with a rotten egg on top..."
Eunwoo sniffed and then hiccuped...He continued

"I agree...That I called her lizard faced chimpanzee first...But she have no right to say something so mean to me..."

"Oh broo same broo...One girl called me  snanda"
Namjoon sniffed along with Eunwoo




"Yeah...Snake plus panda.."
The snanda cried

over cooked spaghetti with a rotten egg on top cried with him

Jin sighed looking at both the drunk males...looks like eunwoo's going to stay for a night...


"Ugh! Shut up!"

Taehyung finally somehow managed to throw jimin on the couch...
It took him time, patience and a lot of braincells to die to complete this impossible looking task...

Tae looks around for eunwoo but

"He's not here...Great...Guess I have to stay for a night..."
He sighs looking at the smaller male who was jumping on the couch...


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