New feelings? (17)

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The doorbell rang again for the 5th time...

Jimin who was still sleepy and hella annoyed opened the door and saw a guy smiling weirdly at him

The pink haired male asked to which the guy showed him a bag and said

"Sir actually bugs and mosquitoes-"

Jimin cut him off

"Yeah we have a lot of them in our house don't need more...Bye"

He said and shut the door on that guy's face...Jimin started to go back to his room when the bell again rang...


Jimin groaned annoyed and went to open the door...As soon as he opened the door he yelled

"WHAT- I- I mean yeah sir?"

He saw Taehyung standing there all ready in his suit...Damn he looked fine

"Woah...Didn't expect that type of welcome Mr. Park"

Taehyung said and chuckled

"I'm so sorry sir...Please come-"

Jimin stopped and looked back at the messed up living room...He smiled nervously

"Eh...Hehe...Just a second sir"

He closed the door and hurriedly cleaned the area putting the clothes that were thrown on the sofa and the floor, under his bed...He opened the door for Taehyung and called him inside...
Tae sat on the sofa and smiled a little at Jimin...

"Um...I just...Wanted to...ask you...Would you.......Would you..."

Taehyung nervously bit his lower lip and closed his eyes tightly



Jimin said dumbfounded

"He said would you like to hangout with him"

They both heard eunwoo from behind and immediately closed their eyes with a disgusted face

"Put on some clothes for the love of God"

Jimin said after looking at the half naked man which ruined his morning nicely

"I can't see my clothes...They're in the living room most of the time..."

"Yeah they're Under my bed..."


"Haha serves you right..."

"You're a monster park Jimin!"

Eunwoo said and ran towards jimin's room to get his clothes leaving tae and min alone...


Taehyung nervously asked

"Oh...Just gimme a minute...I'll go get ready"

Jimin ran towards his room

"So....It was just that easy?"

Taehyung said to himself...


"No means No!"

"Please Mr. Kim...Just once!"

So currently...Both Jimin and Taehyung are at the ammusment park and Jimin wants to ride the roller coaster but Taehyung being afraid of roller coasters and is denying jimin's offer...

"Please please please...Just once..."

And well shit...Not those puppy eyes...Tae sighed

"Okay fine...But just once!"

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