(15) Parting ways?

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It was 7 P.M and jimin was standing infront of namjoon and jin's apartment...He knocked on the door and waited for them to open...As soon as jin opened the door...He was taken a back after seeing jimin...

"Hello hyung!"
Jimin chirped making jin smile

"Hello Jiminie...Come inside..."

They went inside and when namjoon saw jimin he smiled...

"Oh Jimin..."

"Hey hyung...I wanted to talk to you about something..."

"Oh sure jimin-ah go ahead...I'll go prepare dinner"
Jin smiled and went to kitchen leaving both the males alone...

"So...What happened? Everything alright?"
Namjoon asked...

"What happened to eunwoo?"

Namjoon was caught off guard by the sudden question...


"What happened to him in the past?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Jimin..."

"His bestfriend..."

"Aren't you his bestfriend?"

"Not me hyung! The one who...Who commited suicide...and even in the morning...He was ignoring me...This whole day he ignored me...My texts, my calls..."

"Do you think there's something bothering him? Cause I've never heard about his other bestfriend...Maybe he's hiding something?"

"How can there be something that is bothering him... He's not like that...He never do show off like others...if he feels like crying...he cries...If he feels like laughing...he laughs...He never hides his emotions just to look strong...He calls me after getting afraid of a bug...Then how can he hide his emotions?"

Namjoon chuckled and jimin looked at him

"I'm serious hyung"

"I'm sorry...He just ignored you for one day and here you are panicking...what will happen after he get married...and leave you one day..."

Namjoon's words hit jimin harder than a truck...

"W-What? "

That's something he never thought about...

"Jimin...Let's just face the reality...You both can't live together like this for ever...You both have to part ways some day"

"Why? Is it necessary?"

"Look...Even I don't want you both to separate that's why...I...want you to marry eunwoo, jimin"


Jimin was so shocked by Suddenly hearing that...

"Jimin-ah...He's a very nice guy...and you will get someone as perfect as him"

Jimin looked at namjoon for a second before chuckling...

"Hyungie...He's not just a nice person...He's an angel...And you're right I will never get someone like him in my whole life...But life partner doesn't only mean married couple...There are some people who never leave you...Some people who are always eager about hearing your saddest moments rather than happier ones...Eunwoo is already my life partner...But as my bestfriend..."

"Would it be easy for you to leave him? Don't you love him?"

"........ Actually...When I started to trust eunwoo I unknowingly fell for him...And i even confessed to him...But all he did was to....Smile...At first I was confused and angry...But later on i understood... That friendship is far more comfortable than being in a relationship...He's an angel...He's my bestfriend...And i dont have any romantic feelings for him...I have something more than that...all the respect...All the care...All of me...all of my thoughts...Half of my heart...He's that special to me..."

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