Chapter 2: Encounter

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    A frog ran out of my head?

    Gu Yuanqing frowned, looking at the whiteboard that was full of garbled characters and did not speak.

    After talking a lot, Gu Yuanqing found that Gu Yuanqing didn't understand it at all. As soon as he checked the system board, he gasped for electricity, "Mom, I forgot to install Universal Translator, now there is only Interstellar and not Earth, ooh. Woohoo, it's over, the mission hasn't been completed, and it must be split by the five horses when I go back, the chip will not be guaranteed."

    "Now I can only hope that the host can be smart and carry the villain to the end!"

    Papapa blinked at Gu Yuanqing, Then he saw that Gu Yuanqing refused to go to the farm, but went up the mountain to the countryside...

    "...This is over, host, host, if you're smart, you can quickly refund the train ticket and rush to the farm." However, Papapa also understands that without a universal translator, everything is futile.

    Gu Yuanqing, who was listening to the frog croaking, frowned and ignored it. Instead, he walked to the whiteboard and made some fuss. Suddenly, he felt that there was something in his hands in real life.

    When his consciousness returned, Gu Yuanqing raised his hand and saw that he was holding a gas ticket in his hand.

    Can you reward a pound of fuel tickets by clicking on the white board?

    Gu Yuanqing curled the corners of his lips, interesting.

    Papapa looked at the whiteboard in front of Gu Yuanqing in disbelief, the current in the chip kept rushing, "It's over, even Baibai is stupid."

    Gu Yuanqing put away the gas ticket, ready to close his eyes to explore that The garbled whiteboard suddenly heard a crisp and pleasant voice above his head.

    "Comrade, can I trouble you to help me put my luggage?" Ji Xiaochun held the suitcase and stared at the crowded aisle a little helplessly. He was too tall to reach, and there were people everywhere on the train now, so he didn't do anything at all. Space.

    Gu Yuanqing opened his eyes and looked up at the voice. What caught his eye was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy with a sunny smile on his face, which was pure and beautiful. Look, the eyelashes are long, like a brush in the blink of an eye, constantly sweeping.

    "Okay." Gu Yuanqing didn't think too much, got up and prepared to help the person who was about to become a seatmate with luggage.

    "Thank you."

    Before Gu Yuanqing's hand touched the boy's suitcase, the boy raised his head slightly and looked at him to thank him.

    A pair of eyes.

    Ji Xiaochun's eyes shrank first, and then his pupils dilated.

    What entered the pupil was a young man with beautiful features and outstanding temperament. Although he was wearing an ordinary blue tunic suit, he couldn't hide his handsomeness, and his eyes unconsciously turned to him who couldn't pick out a single flaw. face down.

    In the last life, Ji Xiaochun had seen him!

    This is the biggest villain in the book called "Six Zero Blessed Girls".

    It was also after his death that he read the introduction in the book when he was conscious, and realized that the doctor Gu Yuanqing, who had only met once in his last life, finally became a demon-like being.

    How could he be here... When he

    touched Gu Yuanqing's inquiring gaze, Ji Xiaochun suddenly averted his gaze, and the hand holding the suitcase was touched by a cool breeze, which made him tremble.

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