Chapter 43: Moving Bricks

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In the operating room, Gu Yuanqing and Gu Zhiheng had switched positions. He was the master and Gu Zhiheng was the auxiliary.

Although the other doctors didn't understand why such an important operation, Gu Zhiheng wanted a young doctor who was unfamiliar to perform the operation, but they were all greeted in advance, and they tacitly didn't ask any more questions.

"Has the anesthesia been administered?"

The temperature in the operating room was so cold that it was chilling, Gu Yuanqing asked the surrounding doctors while preparing for it.

At this moment, the nurse had pushed Jiang Guowu, who had been anesthetized, in, and after helping the doctor check it, he reported to Gu Yuanqing in a low voice.


Gu Yuanqing held the operation report, and he checked, listened, and checked. After repeated and complicated determinations, the operation officially started.

The operating room of this era has already been developed, but it is not a little bit worse than the funeral. Even if Gu Yuanqing is skilled in medicine, he is not 100% sure that there will be no mistakes in the operation.

The other doctors present were no less relaxed than Gu Yuanqing. They said they were here to fight, but they were actually here to observe from a close distance.

The current technology in China is not enough to perform such a large-scale intracranial surgery. It is worthwhile for them to learn once they encounter it. If they can really learn a little this time, they can start a technical discussion on this when they go back, so as to make it more perfect. this surgery.

Therefore, they were much more nervous than Gu Yuanqing, the attending doctor.

After Gu Yuanqing took a deep breath, he gradually calmed down and his eyes became extremely focused.

The operation officially began, and all the doctors in the operating room began to hold their breaths, paying attention to Gu Yuanqing's movements while listening to his teachings and instructions.

Gu Yuanqing also knew that this time it was not only for surgery, but also for teaching other doctors who specialize in this area, so he blurted out the professional knowledge that had long been engraved in his mind as he moved the knife.

Of course, Gu Yuanqing did not deliberately conceal the professional terms of later generations. Anyway, the last ones were almost the same, so there was no need to change them. After a practical class, these doctors who were quite accomplished in medicine were fascinated. , substituted into it unconsciously.

It is impossible to say that there was no accident during the operation. Watching the hearts of the doctors who were studying was like riding a roller coaster. Fortunately, the problem was not a big problem, so Gu Yuanqing would solve it lightly.

By the way, I will teach you how to deal with this kind of emergency in a wave of surgery.

Time passed, and the Jiang family outside the operating room became impatient. Although the temperature in the operating room was low, all the doctors, including Gu Yuanqing, were already sweating.

The operation has reached the most critical moment, and it is life or death to watch the knife in Gu Yuanqing's hand.

Fortunately, Gu Yuanqing had already made a lot of things in his heart at this step, and he was not panicked. With a steady knife, the tumor in Jiang Guowen's brain had been removed, and there was no accident.

Everyone's eyes were loosened, and joy erupted in their eyes, but they all tacitly did not exhale, for fear of disturbing Gu Yuanqing.

Gu Yuanqing's expression was still focused as usual, but the sweat on his forehead was significantly less.

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