Chapter 67

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    Wu Kun still remembers the scene where he and Hu Shuangshuang were rolling in the cornfield, how could Hu Shuangshuang still be a virgin.

    Wu Kun held the inspection report with his bulging hands, and stared at Gu Yuanqing with wide eyes angrily.

    Gu Yuanqing must have used some means!

    "It's you!" Wu Kun thought so, and immediately rushed to Gu Yuanqing and picked up his collar fiercely, furious.

    "You must be making a fool of yourself, right!"

    Wu Kun suddenly remembered that when he said he wanted Hushuangshuang to come to the city to check, but Gu Yuanqing agreed.

    At that time, he was anxious for success and didn't find it tricky. Now that he thinks about it, it is very likely that Gu Yuanqing had a way to deal with it at that time, so he simply agreed.

    Without saying a word, Gu Yuanqing slid away the hand that was holding the collar of his clothes, and looked at him with a half-smile, "What the hell am I

    doing?" Fengqingyundan is not a good deal, the more Wu Kun suspects that there is Gu Yuanqing's shadow in it.

    Gu Yuanqing shrugged, "I'm not afraid of shadows, why don't we dare to check? It turns out that Hu Shuangshuang has nothing to do with you, so stop slandering people."

    Wu Kun was so angry that his throat was smoking, " Impossible, I clearly remember that last year, Hu Shuangshuang and I were in the corn field...ah..." Before

    he could finish speaking, Hu Shuitian kicked Wu Kun to the ground.

    "Wu Kun, I think you are a scholar and respect you again and again. I didn't expect that you are still slandering my daughter at this time. What is our family's complaint with you?

    " People also have feelings. If their daughter is slandered like this, let alone break his legs and kill him.

    At the moment, his attitude towards Wu Kun also cooled down.

    "That Wu Zhiqing, look at you, do you have anything else to do? It's okay, just go back to work in the team. Now is the time of spring planting, and the crops in the fields are waiting for no one."

    The person who said this gave Wu Kun a full ten. down one step.

    "Impossible, you must have colluded with the doctor to deceive me. I ask for another examination."

    Wu Kun was kicked by Hu Shuitian, and his legs knelt heavily on the concrete floor of the hospital. Just go back so sullenly.

    The doctor who was ordered by Wu Kun, seeing Wu Kun's perseverance, couldn't help frowning, and stood up and said a fair word, "Comrade, although our hospital is not as good as the big hospital in the provincial capital, But it's not that you can't even see things like pregnancy."

    After speaking, he glanced at Gu Yuanqing, "We don't know this little comrade, how to collude with him, but you..." The

    doctor accepted Wu Kun's The good thing is that after all, Wu Kun still has two faces, and he didn't tell the truth.

    The doctor's words were ambiguous, but everyone present was not a fool, and they all heard the doctor's meaning.

    "Cough cough." Captain Hu Shuixing coughed twice and said to Wu Kun, "Wu Zhiqing, you only brought up this inspection today. Gu Zhiqing is the county town that came with us, and he never left your sight for half a step. How did he collude with the doctor?"

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