Chapter 14: Cover

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    Since knowing Ji Xiaochun's real age, Gu Yuanqing always had the illusion that he was bullying children, and began to take care of Ji Xiaochun intentionally or unintentionally.

    I'm embarrassed to let Ji Xiaochun get up early to cook again in the morning. After all, children need enough sleep to develop.

    As a result, when breakfast was ready, Ji Xiaochun held the bowl but refused to eat, and he could vaguely see him shaking.

    Gu Yuanqing thought he was sick, so he reached out and touched his forehead, "I'm not sick."     After

    a while, Gu Yuanqing seemed to think of something, and he couldn't help laughing, "You don't think I poisoned the meal, right?" Glancing at Ji Xiaochun     , who was stunned all over, he laughed angrily

, "Don't worry, if I want to poison you, do I need to poison you in the meal?"

Frightened, he picked up the bowl and spit out the rice.

    Gu Yuanqing gave him chopsticks and green vegetables, "I still want to eat some vegetables, white rice doesn't bother people?"

    "No... stubborn... uh..."

    Ji Xiaochun burped while eating, obviously choking, but Still stubborn.

    Gu Yuanqing scooped him a bowl of rice soup and let him go along, "Eat slowly, no one will grab you."

    After a mouthful of warm rice soup, Ji Xiaochun felt that the whole person was alive, and smiled embarrassedly at Gu Yuanqing. , "I've never eaten such a big bowl of white rice, so it's so delicious."

    Gu Yuanqing was both sad and funny, "If it's delicious, you should eat more, and you will grow when you're full."

    Still a child, It should be like a child.

    After eating breakfast, after a little bit of cleaning up, the two went to work.

    Remembering centimeters is really not tiring at all, as long as you can recognize the names on the centimeter book, see how much they have done, and give centimeters as appropriate.

    It's easy to say, but it's not easy to do. Even though most of the team members are illiterate, if you give him one less point, or give someone an extra point, he can make a lot of trouble for you.

    In the morning, Ji Xiaochun took Gu Yuanqing to recognize people. In fact, he couldn't recognize them completely, so he could only remember them roughly, but they were sweet-mouthed and could tell him their names when they asked them.

    Gu Yuanqing's memory is not bad, otherwise he would not have studied medicine at the beginning, and it didn't take long to remember the people from the third team.

    When Ji Xiaochun saw that he was almost done, he couldn't help but asked curiously, "You said yesterday that you have a way to make money, what is it?"

    In fact, he wanted to ask last night, but when he saw that Gu Yuanqing's face was wrong, he suppressed his curiosity. Heart, I can't help it now.

    Gu Yuanqing looked at the mountains not far away, and said meaningfully, "The way to make money is basically written in the criminal law."

    Ji Xiaochun was very angry, "You are teasing me again."

    Seeing that Ji Xiaochun was angry and wanted to leave, Gu Yuanqing pulled Stop him, "I'm going to lie down on the mountain now, you help me cover, and you earn half of the money."

    Ji Xiaochun listened, shook his head and refused, "What should you do if you go up the mountain alone and encounter a wild boar herd, it's too dangerous, this money I'd rather not earn, or you don't go."

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