Chapter 74: Teacher

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Qu Liang listened to Gu Yuanqing's words, and after returning home, he started looking for people to buy relevant technical books on truck driving.

  Not to mention that even after Qu Liang bought it at a high price, some people actually sold it. These driver masters also thought very simply. Just buying books without a master to guide them does not necessarily mean they will learn how to drive. It is better to sell the books and make more money.

  However, Qu Liang was dumbfounded after buying the book, because Gu Yuanqing said that they had to memorize all these books and be able to use them skillfully.

  There were several thick books, and it was extremely difficult for him, an old man who couldn't even read a word, to memorize them all.

  Ji Xiaochun had no objection. After getting the book, he started reading it and asked Gu Yuanqing if he had anything he didn't understand.

  "In this book, driving skills only account for 20%, and the rest is auto repair. You can completely exclude this part and only learn the remaining 20%." Ji Xiaochun read the entire book Finally, we came to this conclusion.

  "That's a good feeling." Qu Liang hugged the thick book and his eyes lit up when he heard Ji Xiaochun's words.

  God knows how uncomfortable he feels every day when he holds a book and can't understand and feels sleepy. Being able to study less is really good news for him.

  Gu Yuanqing checked it unbelievingly and found that driving skills only accounted for a small proportion. After all, the traffic light traffic rules at this time were not yet perfect, and most of the knowledge that needed to be remembered was related to driving.

  Qu Liang is not a very stupid person. When Gu Yuanqing taught him how to practice, he quickly integrated the knowledge in the book.

  In just one month, all of them were able to drive proficiently, and Gu Yuanqing's blue eye bags were finally able to subside for a while.

  Qu Liang and Ji Xiaochun were practicing driving on the road outside, while Gu Yuanqing sat in a temporary thatched shed and closed his eyes to rest.

  Before he could close his eyes for a few minutes, the truck that had roared loudly suddenly stopped working.

  Qu Liang sat on the cab and kept turning on the engine. As a result, no matter how hard he turned, the engine would not sound.

  His face turned pale in an instant, and large beads of sweat gathered on his forehead, obviously looking panicked.

  "What's wrong?" Ji Xiaochun was still reading, and when he saw Qu Liang's anxious look, he asked.

  "The engine stopped working." Qu Liang said hurriedly, "It couldn't have been damaged by me."

  "Come down and I'll try."

  Ji Xiaochun called Qu Liang down and climbed into the car to try. Sure enough, the engine couldn't start.

  "How is it?" Qu Liang raised his head and looked forward to it.

  "There must be something wrong." Ji Xiaochun replied.

  Qu Liang's eyes were red, and he was spinning around in a hurry, blaming himself, "It's all my fault. If I didn't have to drive it, it would definitely not be broken. It cost more than 10,000 yuan, and it was broken like this." , it hurts so much."

  Ji Xiaochun was not in a hurry. He calmly jumped out of the car, came to the front of the car, opened the hood, found the engine, and started to check it.

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