Chapter 12: Nicknames

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    Looking at Gu Yuanqing gratefully, Jiang Maojun thought that Gu Yuanqing, the wooden fish, had finally opened his head, which was quite gratifying.

    Gu Yuanqing pulled Jiang Maojun aside and asked, "I heard that you have a lot of industrial tickets. Can you sell me a few?"

    Jiang Maojun thought for a while, "How many do you want?"

    "How many can you issue?"


    Jiang Maojun didn't have many industrial tickets left. This time, his father gave him ten industrial tickets. When he came to the commune, he bought a lot of things and spent five.

    Originally, he didn't want to give Gu Yuanqing so much, but for the first time Gu Yuanqing opened his mouth to him, he had to show his wealth.

    "Three..." Gu Yuanqing touched his chin, "It's a bit small."

    Jiang Maojun's face turned red from Gu Yuanqing's tone, and

    he gritted his teeth, "How much do you need?" A bee came from the pit, and I don't know if the money is still there when the bee reacts.

    You can't make people too poor.

    Gu Yuanqing, "Three are three, how much do you pay."

    Gu Yuanqing's tone made Jiang Maojun very unhappy, "Are you looking down on me?

    " ."

    Jiang Maojun stared at Gu Yuanqing's face for two seconds, then suddenly lost his temper, "You have it!"

    Jiang Maojun took out a handful of tickets and stuffed them into Gu Yuanqing's hands, "You see how much you need, just pick."

    Gu Yuanqing, "..."

    Holding a ticket in his hand, Gu Yuanqing looked at Jiang Maojun like a fool.

    Who is this stupid kid who ran out without being tied up!

    After counting, there were five industrial tickets, ten food tickets, three or four cloth tickets, one egg ticket and three meat tickets.

    Gu Yuanqing didn't want to harass Jiang Maojun too hard. He ordered three industrial tickets, and then took out two food tickets and one meat ticket.

    "Take a look, how much does it cost."

    Seeing that Gu Yuanqing was not polite to him, Jiang Maojun's face looked much better. After counting the tickets, he said generously, "Just give ten dollars."

    Gu Yuanqing gave it without saying a word. Jiang Maojun took ten yuan, holding the remaining seventy yuan in his hand, frowning.

    Jiang Maojun accepted the money and ticket with a smile, seeing that Gu Yuanqing was still frowning, he naturally hooked on Gu Yuanqing's shoulder.

    "Brother, do you still want tickets?"

    Gu Yuanqing looked at him suspiciously and nodded.

    Jiang Maojun leaned into Gu Yuanqing's ear and whispered, "I know there is a place to exchange tickets, do you want to go?"

    Gu Yuanqing patted Jiang Maojun's hand on his shoulder and frowned slightly, "Black market?"

    Jiang Maojun's hand was caught by Gu Yuanqing He didn't get annoyed when he patted it off, and said with a smile, "I bought this from the team with money. You know, some people have more money at the end of the year, and they always find some way out..."

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