Chapter 62: Jealousy

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    Ji Xiaochun was at a loss when asked by Gu Yuanqing.

    "What house?"

    Gu Yuanqing, "What style of house do you like."

    Ji Xiaochun was confused, "As long as it's a house, I like it."

    Gu Yuanqing thought for a while, and didn't ask any more.

    "Big brother, have you bought your house?" Jiang Maojun sat opposite Gu Yuanqing, and when he heard Gu Yuanqing say this, he had a guess in his heart.

    Gu Yuanqing nodded, frowned immediately, and looked at Jiang Maojun with a half-smile, "Big brother?"

    "Oh, oh, that means you are my big brother's big brother." Jiang Maojun responded immediately and explained quickly.

    Gu Yuanqing frowned again.

    Jiang Maojun was used to seeing people's faces, and immediately changed his words, "If you don't like it, I'll change the name to be, Boss Gu?" Gu

    Yuanqing raised his eyebrows, "Just call me by my name, we don't engage in underworld.

    " Drop."

    Xue Qi's eyes turned back and forth on Jiang Maojun and Gu Yuanqing, and the waves in his heart were horrified.

    What happened during the days when he returned to the capital, to make Senior Jiang willingly bow his head and call him the boss of Gu Yuanqing?

    Could it be that Gu Yuanqing's family background is not simple?

    Yes, the first time she met Gu Yuanqing, she seemed different from ordinary people. At that time, she thought that Gu Yuanqing was a despised capitalist roader, but now it seems to be the same.

    Curiosity was frantically growing in Xue Qi's heart, and he could not wait to ask Jiang Maojun to ask clearly, but the train was crowded with people, and people could be heard by the other side if they said two words at will.

    She had to hold back her curiosity.

    "I bought the house in that piece, and I'll buy a set in that piece. It's close and it's convenient to use in the future." Jiang Maojun asked again.

    Gu Yuanqing casually reported a place name.

    Jiang Maojun thought for a while in his mind, frowning slightly, "That area was quite prosperous earlier, but since the rise of those who engaged in sports, more than half of it has been empty, and now there is no popularity, what do you think? Let 's go over there and buy a house."

    "It's cheap." He told Gu Yuanqing that as long as it was within Beijing's Third Ring Road, it would be a good deal to buy it now.

    "How much did it cost?"

    "One thousand."

    Jiang Maojun was so shocked that he almost slipped off the seat, his tone was a little excited, "One thousand yuan, you still say it's cheap, and you are being taken advantage of."

    Gu Yuanqing twisted slightly . Mei, "how to say."

    "That piece of land is now empty, the house has been put for several years, and it is not a big deal to sell it for such an expensive price. If it is handed over to me, at most seven or eight hundred, I will get it for you. "Jiang Maojun looked like he had lost a lot.

    Gu Yuanqing's face showed no expression. When he handed over the house to Li Ying, he had already thought about the possibility of losing a little.

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