Chapter 47: Labor

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    Gu Yuanqing thought of Ji Xiaochun asking Jiang Maojun to move bricks at No. 3 Middle School last night, and his face suddenly became serious, "If you are sick, take a good rest and don't run around."

    Ji Xiaochun nodded obediently.

    He's sore all over now and doesn't want to go anywhere.

    But the instinct of the body told him again, as if he had forgotten a very important thing.

    Can't remember what.

    Seeing Ji Xiaochun trying to recall, Gu Yuanqing smiled, "If you can't remember, don't think about it, it's definitely not a big deal."

    "Is it?" Ji Xiaochun was slightly suspicious.

    Gu Yuanqing affirmed, "Yes, come on, get up, take another medicine, hang a bottle of water, it will be better soon."

    Ji Xiaochun followed Gu Yuanqing's words suspiciously.

    At noon, because Gu Yuanqing was here, Ji's mother cooked a large table of good dishes, which made Ji Xiaochun salivating.

    Unfortunately, because of his illness, he could only eat white porridge and vegetables.

    A pair of beautiful eyes were full of complaints against Gu Yuanqing.

    Originally, he could eat, but because Gu Yuanqing told his mother that sick people should eat lightly, his mother took away all the meat dishes that were placed in front of him.

    Only a plate of bland cabbage remained.

    Gu Yuanqing was holding the bowl, and seeing Ji Xiaochun's expression of a little resentful woman, she couldn't help but cheer, "Don't complain, there is no green vegetables in the capital these two days, and this plate of green vegetables was bought by my aunt with great difficulty. Don't let down your aunt's wishes."

    Gu Yuanqing brought Ji Xiaochun a large piece of green vegetables with chopsticks.

    When Mother Ji heard Gu Yuanqing's words, she was instantly elated.

    She has been cooking at home for so many years, and none of these children understands her painstaking efforts.

    In this big winter, except for the cabbage, who can see some greenery, and her son is sick, she can't give her dry vegetables.

    I bought these handfuls of vegetables after traveling a lot, but I didn't expect my son to dislike it when I came back.

    She didn't say anything, but she was still a little unhappy in her heart.

    I didn't expect Xiao Gu to understand this child.

    Sure enough, good children belong to other people.

    Seeing that his son was not pleasing to the eye, he glanced at Ji Xiaochun, and said angrily, "If you don't eat it, give me some white porridge."

    Ji Xiaochun's face immediately became bitter, and he glared at Gu Yuanqing, who did not care, and said flatteringly, "Mom, isn't every dish you cook delicious? You only give me green vegetables. I'm so greedy for the rest."

    Ji's mother wasn't really angry with her son, so after hearing what her son said again, The resentment in his stomach disappeared immediately, and he was so happy that the crescent moon was not seen, "You will say, when you are healed, Mom can eat less of you."

    Ji Xiaochun stuck out his tongue at Gu Yuanqing proudly.

    My mother is still my mother, and you can't coax me away with just a few words from you.

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