𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘵

670 39 7


Taehyung's P.O.V


"What type of pads do you like?"

"I'm a guy."

"For future reference."

"I'm a guy, what future reference?"

My blood was boiling. Me and Seokjin drove all the way to this boujee supermarket to go grocery shopping. Words cannot describe how infuriated I am right about now.

I stared at Seokjin who was looking at me with his big stupid eyes. Like the fucking child he was. I sighed heavily, my grip on the trolley tightening as I took a deep breathe.

Wouldn't wanna lose my shit in front of all these privileged assholes.

"The ones with wings I suppose are more practical and secure." I said.

"Magnificent choice! Joonie loves them too."

"I always knew that prick had a vagina."

Seokjin laughed, throwing a bunch of pads into the trolley he forced me to push.

"If that were the case I wouldn't have married the guy."

"Well hearing that just made me want to kill myself."

We were walking down the aisle that was filled with all kinds of feminine products like their sanitary devices and magical blood suction sticks.


With all these products woman must have war flashbacks every month.

"Why are we in this aisle? Last time I checked, there was a total of zero woman in that house. No bitches." I rolled my eyes, noticing how pretty most of these items were packaged.

"Future reference."

"I'm gonna kick you in the balls if you say that one more time."

"Giving me use for these pads I see." Seokjin laughed, turning around and facing me.

I let go of the trolleys handle, crossing my arms over my chest and arching my brows, staring at him in silence. Waiting for an answer to my previous question.

Seokjin groaned.

"Stop looking at me like that, I'll tell you." He said in defeat.

"A few years ago me and Namjoon got real injured after a car collided into our on our way to work. So when we got out of the vehicle we were covered in wounds and scratches. But luckily a nice lady nearby patched up our wounds."

I stared at this guy, blankly.

I opened my mouth slightly, trying to find the words I wanted to say.


He nodded.


"She stopped the blood..."

"That's right."

"...with pads?"

Seokjin just nodded again.

"What a savior that woman was." I said sarcastically, but Seokjin most definitely didn't pick up on the sarcasm part.

This story made absolutely no fucking sense and I wanted to call him out on it. Bro was telling me his aftercare after a car collision was some random lady on the street pacing pads on their wounds?

A coincidence?

More like a load of bullshit.

Why is he lying?

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