𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘕𝘖 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴

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"The rest of your life, bitchless. Is that what you want?" Taehyung said, trying to grab the covers and pull them off of me.

I was in a state of deep depression.

I ruined our first ever interview and the majority of Asia wanted me to go fuck myself. All I wanted to do was die a slow death, surrounded by these soft sheets and my bodily fluids. Not a gracious way to go but a do-able one. That was better than going downstairs. Downstairs to that monster. Mr Namjoon...

After last night, I wanted to puke my guts out and die. I was so overstimulated with mixed emotions I couldn't even find my sense of direction. All I know is that our time here is not getting any longer and the men that took us in could always just kick us out. I was in a bad head space, I couldn't sleep, just think. Think bad bad thoughts. It made me paranoid and tired.

"He won't get up." I heard Taehyung say.

Jungkook huffed and left the room. Multiple footsteps came towards my doorway and I heard a lot of shuffling. Then all of a sudden I felt a sting in my left ass cheek that made me yell in pain. It didn't fucking stop either, like they got a good seven hits in probably.

I jumped out the bed and tripped over my sheets, falling over.

I looked up weakly, staring at Yoongi who was standing over me, a switch in his hand.

"Excuse me why do you have a corporal punishment device just on you?" I groaned, rubbing my back. I looked at Yoongi and saw the eerie expression on his face that made me remember last night. My face dropped and my heart felt heavy.


"Come down for breakfast. Jin prepared it." Yoongi said and left.

Taehyung watched him walk off, scoffing after he was gone.

"Emo bitch. Bitchless emo. Jimin be better than that man." He said, but I didn't find it funny. I couldn't find anything funny at the moment.

Jungkook looked at me, a melancholy look on his face.

"Jimin what happened last night after we left. We waited for you here and when you came back you just kicked us out."

"They say something to you?" Taehyung asked.

I was just staring at the wall aimlessly, processing the questions they were asking me. Questioning whether I should sweep it under the rug or vent to them. I wanted to tell them actually, tell them how afraid I am. How unsafe I feel now. It was driving me crazy, so would it drive them crazy too? Would they react like me? I didn't want to take that risk.

So I didn't tell them.

I lied.

"I'm just really sad about last night. That interview was a disaster."

"Only because the audience was filled with raging narcissists." Taehyung said.

"Yeah, Jimin. C'mon lets go eat." Jungkook smiled, helping me up and putting my blanket back on the bed. I smiled, watching them joke and laugh with each other. I would carry any burden for them, so that's exactly what I'll do.

"Lets go eat." I smiled.


last night...

"They do not deserve to LIVE." I heard Mr Namjoon downstairs talking to Yoongi. "My poor fucking husband. How am I gonna tell him his prized possessions are actually fucking useless?" He said.

"Damn." Jungkook frowned. The three of us were eavesdropping, hiding behind the staircase's railing, peering though the open slits to see them argue.

"I think papa bear is mad." Taehyung said, making Jungkook nod his head slowly, sadness in his eyes.

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