David: 4

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There isn't a more secluded place in Heywood than the rooftops. Up here on top of H2, I could see all of Wellsprings. The city lights were beaming, traffic was booming, and the people were buzzing about like bees-- but livelier at night and twice as deadly. The view was incredible. It was a tech induced atmosphere with its cutting-edge design, congested streets, and something lurking around every corner this was definitely the roughest neighborhood in Heywood. Sure, we looked pretty decent on the outside but under the revolutionary renovations done to try and erase the projects, its people were still very much here refusing to be snuffed out. 

V pocketed her pistol, for now she was staying true to her notion of having the irons out of sight.  I kept my word too, seeing as I had no other choice when it came to survival. 

No guns and no Netrunners. 

Knowing Lucy, it's took everything in her willpower not to barge in. Hacking isn't the only thing she's capable of, Lucy was good damn with a glock too. But for obvious reasons we couldn't play fair. No guns, fine. But no Netrunners?! Fuck no! Lucy and I were on call the entire time, she stayed dead silent as V and I did business. If V was going to pull some shit Lucy would be the first one to know. 

Lucy: Alright, get her talking David and quick!

I went to open my mouth, but V beats me to the punch.

"Damn, you got quite the view up here, I'd bet one of the best in Night City." She says. Her voice is cool, low and rugged, and her slouch against the railings said just the same. She was at ease, and I'm not sure if that made me even more nervous or not. Did she even see me as a possible threat? I know she's a legend, but damn! Not even an ounce of doubt in her mind. Any amount of my street cred I had just down the fucking toilet! 

Lucy: What the hell is with the small talk?

Lucy: Tell her to cut the shit and tell us what she wants.

"What do you want?" I snap at her in response, resentful all-of-the-sudden. Yeah, the nonchalant thing really did piss me off that fucking much! "No dicking around this time. Who sent you?"

The wind was heavy, loud, and whipped her dyed hair around like a cloak, hiding half her face. Is it weird I'm disappointed V's not... ugly? When I first heard mention of a merc named V, I pictured a chick who looked like she belonged with The Animals, big and burly, but with implants covering every inch of her body like Maelstrom. But instead, she was pretty androgenous in the face and her style was very much Kitsch. Like me. Style over substance. Attention grabbing. Function mattering second. Basically, an overgrown street kid. The more similarities I notice between us, the more I'm thankful for the no guns rule. I'm starting to doubt whether or not I'd be able to shoot one. You know, cause she's attractive, and aiming and squeezing triggers at women isn't really my thing either.

She lifts a brow. Judgement... I can feel it.

"Ain't you from around here? You know better than to ask who. I ain't saying shit. My clients pay big, so I keep my mouth shut." V huffs with a frown, her shoulders tight. She laughs dryly which makes me unease. "Been making a name for yourself... David Martinez and the fuckin' Edgerunners. Really?! Couldn't have come up with something a little more... I dunno, original?"

Lucy: What?!

"You press an iron to my skull while I was on top of my girl to rag on the handle of my crew?!" I spat incredulously. "You gotta be fuckin' kidding me!"

"Ha!" V laughs again outright with a sadistic smile. "If you think I'm out here blowing smoke about some gonk's crew name, you're glitchin' out. Just curious is all. Big name for a small-time crew."

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