David: 12

117 7 1

[ Dock: meaning hookup/ have sex]

District: Northside Industrial, Watson

Totentanz [Trigger Warning: Drug Abuse]

David: What?! Have you lost your mind? Glitter is a psychedelic, a strong ass one too!

V: Trust me. If we're all doing it the boys will let their guard down. Just don't do too much.

I clench my teeth. Fuck! I've smoked weed before, sure. Drank? Of course. But hard drugs? Never. Told myself I wouldn't touch that shit. But V is right. We don't have the eddies to repay Maelstrom for the damages we caused their rep and investments, plus they can easily change their mind about keeping Rebecca out of harm's way. We have to play it smart... or in this case, dumb.

Metaldick gleams a toothy smile. "Shit! Now we're talking! I didn't think you two were into that kind of shit. A Scavvy, maybe. But V?" He nudges his fellow Maelstromer. "Can't believe you hid your Choom from me for so long. Dude she's so cool!"

I watch carefully as he then instructs V to hold out her palm and dumps a small pile of Glitter into her hand. She grins and immediately goes in for it, licking the inside of her hand until the Glitter was gone. Her lips were slick and had a faint sparkle to them, easily could have been mistaken for a lip gloss. Highly addictive drug or not, she looked kind of... cute. 

You know, in the moment. 

V catches me staring and winks at me. "Your turn, lover boy."

I take a deep breath. I've never been so thankfully for a mask in my life. The LEDs expressions are good, but not great. They don't pick up confused emotions. So anxious butterflies bubbling in my chest come off as a straight face on screen. 

I place my hand out for the Glitter and receive a pile of pink dust in return. Metaldick is grinning hard with excitement. That makes one of us. Closing my eyes, I lick up the substance quickly before losing my nerve. Instantly, I feel my tongue tingle and tiny little explosions go off in my mouth like pop rocks. The after taste is sweet like candy. I blink, giving the drug a moment or two to show its side-effects, AKA the weird shit. Spiders on the walls, imaginary people, you know, the works. Nothing. The club was its same noisy, red on red self. 


Dum Dum takes his hit of Glitter and knocks it back with a shot. "Now we're talking!"

The streaming red neon lights flashing with the music were dancing all over the walls in a frenzy. The same red lights had been going off and on since we arrived, but I feel like my sensitivity levels hiked up to 10 in just seconds. First there was nothing and now I feel like I'm swimming in a sea of blood. All the blood of my past, all the gonks I've killed, all the people I've seen zeroed. 

David: V... this shit is working fast. What's the plan?

V: We need to get away from the bar but not look suspicious when we go poking around looking for Rebecca. If they think we're going to hookup somewhere, they won't pry or follow.

David: And if we are little under the influence people would believe it's an honest mistake why we stumbled into the wrong room. V you're a genius!

V: Yeah, yeah. Don't get nice on me now. Just help me sell it, okay?

V takes another shot of whiskey and leans in." Does this shit make everyone horny or just me?"

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