V: 14

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[ Biomon: Also known as Biomonitor, is the usb drive slot located behind the ear. Users slot in info shards, programs, external harddrives, etc. into their biomons to view secure data ]

District: Northside, Watson

Totentanz settles down as the night goes by, the crowds dwindle, and surprisingly enough, I fit in with the borgs chugging the booze and mosh pitting near the stage. The strobe lights were like red pulsing beams, beating along with the bass drum. I had been in this club for what seemed like hours, and only now have I truly noticed any of its music. Definitely not anarchist boy band music, but it wasn't half bad either. My opinion, not Johnny's. He despised the new age music. 

I feel sweat pooling down my temples as the heat of the crowd and liquor take its toll. People nudge their way closer towards the stage with beer bottles and glocks in hand. Hell, one person shoved me so hard I split half my drink. Did it piss me off? Sure. Was I about to go ape shit on a borg in their home territory while I was severely outnumbered? No way in hell!

I'm dumb, crazy even. But suicidal? Nope. Definitely not. I'd be long gone if that was the case. The brain tumor known as Johnny Silverhand lodged inside my Biomon outta be enough proof of that!

Instead, I raise my beer bottle up like the rest of the gonks around me, swaying back and forth to the rest of the song. I must have gotten really into band playing because carelessly I let my guard down, and don't notice until it's too late, feeling the tip of a loaded barrel poking me in between my shoulder blades. Hard. 

I freeze. The crowd around me unaware, dancing drunk and lively as ever while I stand their stiff in my boots. Fuck! How the hell was I going to talk my way out of this one? Slowly, I turn to assess the situation at hand.

 My eyes meet Metaldick at the other end of the iron. Instantly he pulls back, glancing up and down at me wildly. Giving off confusion and from what I could positively tell, regret. 

"V! Shit, I'm such a gonk. I'm sorry-- I didn't know you were still here. Didn't recognize you without the output around." He laughs nervously. "Where the big guy run off to?"

I give him a reassuring smile. "No harm no foul, MD. As for my shitty output, well... let's hope he hobble along somewhere and found a Ripper." I shrug, "my guess, faulty wiring." 

Johnny gives me the side eye.

What?! It's just a hair shy from the truth! 

David did leave, and if he is as smart as I hope he was David, Becca and Lucy would have found a trusted Ripperdoc to look over Rebecca's nuero-specs to make sure nothing was tampered with, or no viruses were added while she was captured by Maelstrom. The 'faulty wiring' a personal touch to keep my cover. That's all. No underlying animosity whatsoever....

Metaldick laughs at this. "Can't trust the Scavs when it comes to implants, sweetheart. All talk, never any action! Their shit is stolen and sold off of dead bodies. Gonks who either flatlined or got zeroed. Most likely got his second hand. The first-generation Mr. STUD implants had a lot of malfunctions upon the initial release. Discontinued it completely, and then came out with a newer, more improved version a year later." He makes a show of pulling up his pants. The national sign for men trying to 'non-chalantly' show off their goods. As cheesy the move was I did spy his bulge popping out by his pant leg. Mhm... not bad. Not bad at all.

"Woahhh there big guy," I tease. "You sure do know your shit!  I see being a 'Borg has its perks. Not just beta blockers and jumper cables." 

He smiles back, his eyes lingering on my lips longer than they should have. "Yeah, sure does! We're still plenty of flesh beneath the metal. Despite what everyone else may think." He says licking his lips, they smell strong of cheap rum. 

Wait. His eyes, the licking of his lips, the 'adjustment' of the belt... Was he.... flirting with me?

Now that I think about it, he was flirting with me and has been the entire time. At the bar and down by the pier. Since Dum Dum wasn't around, he's no longer holding back. 

I give him a good once over. He was pretty decent as far as Maelstrom goes. I noticed that the first time I laid eyes on him. I mean he's got a ton of metal on his face and has cameras for eyes, but with one more shot, a little bit of Glitter and the lights off---

"Hey, you wanna get out of here and put my output to shame?" I bite my lip cautiously. I'm playing a dangerous game, dancing with fire inside of the dragon's lair, which at any moment could be consumed by flames.

"Or not," I coolly shrug. " The choice is yours, choom." 

His cybernetic eyes sound as if he were zooming in and out, red dots appearing brighter and larger than usual. Was he stunned or furious? I couldn't tell. "You serious, V or are you making fun of me?"

"Dead serious." I tried playing cool, but I ended up smiling, exposing teeth. Sounds like I will be getting laid tonight after all. "But you gotta act quick," I say, nudging my head towards the exit. "The offer won't be on the table for long." 


We fucked on the rooftop. Say what you want about Northside, Watson: The air is dense, the vibes suck, the buildings are old. On top of the old hotel building, I could see the stars and the open sky in all its glory. Northside was as close to the badlands a city girl could get without the risk of sandstorms, dust clouds and Wraiths getting in the way. The city looked almost calm, peaceful even. Not the crime infested rat hole NC is made out to be.

MD was pretty damn good in bed to say the least. He had the face of a borg, but the lips of an angel. Boy, could that man kiss! Definitely highlight of my night. Never thought I'd say that about a borg! The dick was good, but the much-needed intimacy was even better. To sleep with someone who didn't know me felt good, real good. My condition and impending doom wasn't lingering over our heads as we shared in each other's bodies and laughed the rest of the night away. I didn't think about Johnny Silverhand or Arasaka or Soulkiller. And I definitely didn't think about David Martinez. 

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