David: 16

111 7 10

[Zetatech: One, of the many Corporations in the Cyberpunk universe, specializes in wetware, computer hardware and software design. They are one of the main providers for cyberware, cyberdecks, and even, robotics]

[Quadra: Also known as Quadra Motors, is an automotive brand that specializes in sports vehicles, designing muscle cars with fast lethal builds for the general public]

District: Little China, Watson 

V leaps forward running straight in with gunfire. The Scavs weren't expecting it, and neither was I. I dunno why I assume she would be more stealthy, more coordinated or communicate a plan with me even. Maybe it's because the only merc work I know I've done was as a team. Maine's team.

But she works alone, I can see that now.

Each of the Scavs direct their attention instantly to the imminent danger they were in and immediately return fire. Swearing, I jump back from the bullets flying at my head, aim and pull the trigger. I'm not the trigger-happy type but words cannot describe how good the release is pointing and shooting at these pieces of shit. These people are creatures that crawl out of the sewers of hell, no better than insects infesting the city; slowly eating away at its very core and foundation. Gang wars is one thing, snatching up innocent men, women and children, and harvesting their organs and implants is another. 

I'd end a million Scav lives if it meant walking the city streets without having to have eyes on the back of your neck with every turn. 

Perhaps V felt the same way. She must have, seeing how ruthlessly she aimed and fired at these creeps with little to no concern about her own wellbeing. 

I swivel around a 3-step staircase with a Scavvy wielding a razor matchet nipping at my heels. He rushed at me with no fear of my iron or the bullets flying from it. He swings and slashes, I rear away from the blade, dodging most of the blade, only receiving small cuts from its sharp tip and in lieu of being stabbed with the serrated teeth. Cursing, I cop out and use the Sandevistan. 

Time slows down for me and me alone, giving me ample amount of time to not only escape the reach of the next swing, but reposition myself behind my attacker with enough time to point the muzzle of my barrel to the back of their head, and pull the trigger. His body drops to the ground with a spritz of blood spewing like a fountain from his skull.

One down. 

I turn to find my next opponent and to find V. Instead, I find two Scav men playing cat and mouse with her and losing. Guess who are the mice? V has them cornered in-between brick and two large storage containers. They were taking cover and shouting over threats as if we were on the losing end. If this is their version of a scare tactic, they were failing miserably. 

Grinning, I reload my gun as I take my time cooling down from using the Sandy. I could feel my internal temperature decreasing sluggishly after nearly overheating my neuro systems. The more I use the Sandevistan, the hotter my body becomes after usage. I no longer puke after powering on the implant, rather I feel like my body has transformed into a furnace, my head rattling after only a few seconds of use. I don't see things nor hear things. Yet. If I keep finding ways to get my hands on these expensive ass pills, cyberpsychosis won't creep into my brain like it did for Maine. 

A tire screeches and the white van starts moving, the fourth Scav seething from behind the wheel. Whipping around in the tight alleyway, the van is speeding straight for the exit. They were trying to save the cargo, sick freaks, even if it meant leaving fellow members behind.

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