David: 29

69 6 1


[Synthcoke: A second generation drug, a synthetic replacement for cocaine. Its side effects resemble the original street drug: paranoia and psychological addiction.

[Blue Glass:  a hallucinogenic that was originally developed and used as a biological weapon. Which reduces the user to staring blankly at the pretty colors in their mind with effects of the high lasting between 2-7 minutes.

District: Japantown, Westbrook

Rebecca: Play nice with the kitty, David.

The Kitty. Mhmph... She means the Tyger Claw. 

Becca's voice comes over the Holo, but I can barely hear a thing over the hard thumping inside my head. A migraine, apparently that sort of thing is common with Cyberpsychosis, along with uncontrollable rage. As luck would have it, my anger has become like a loud teakettle edging to a boil: Steaming tantrums and unconsciously burning those around me with my aggression, while dealing with the screaming voices inside my head spilling intrusive thoughts about murdering any and everyone who decides to piss me off. 

V's given those intrusive fucked up thoughts of mine a name, Psycho David.

Psycho David and David Martinez are like two brains sharing the same body, battling for who has control over my hands and mouth. I'm in prison inside myself along with a dozen other voices claiming to be the real me. Worse part is with every passing second a part of the old me dies while this new unhinged version possessed by lethal implants and a cyber virus is slowly driving me closer to insanity. 

I can't explain why this Tyger prick pisses me off so much, he just does. Snake! With his smugness hidden behind a pair of designer sunglasses accompanying his nepotism status from with his 'convenient' relation to the Westbrook's Fixer. 

Pftt! Probably never had to earn a single eddie on his own, and only joined the gang because the rich boy wanted to fire off his pistol! Elitest like that make me sick. Flaunting your rich spoils while the rest of the city is scrapping by to survive. I doubt my psycho ego will even let the bastard assist in the search. I just can't bring myself to trust a gonk named Snake! 

Outside Panchinko Palor was like a breath of fresh air compared to the cooped-up musk from the arcade players mixed with incenses and the cologne from Tyger Claws. Though Jig-Jig Street was barely a step up as far as odors goes. 

V, who's in front, turns around and offers me a weak smile. I can't tell what she's thinking but the low effort and the way her face falls straight back into a frown makes me uneasy. Is she picking up something about these goons I'm not? Has she received new information via Holo? Is she going to call it quits and give up on the investigation? The wave of uncertainty sent a spark through my bloodstream that made its way all the down to my fingertips. That zap of anxious energy was like a jolt of electricity to my implants, and instantly I feel my cyberware heat up as if I was preparing for a fight.

Fight...? Fight V?!

sHe KnOwS mOrE tHaN sHe LeTs On. 

Then why would she spend so much time searching for Lucy? 

bEcAuSe ShEs A mErC!

Yeah.... but there's no eddies on the table because she's my....my.... 

What was V to me again? 

"Becca's calling for Falco," V mentions casually which brings me out of my head. "I'll take it from here. On cases like this I work better Solo. And don't worry, I'll handle The Claws." 

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