V: 7

191 9 0

District: Watson, Northside 10:59 PM

"Pass me a slice of ham and pepperoni, would ya?" Metal Dick clamors from the comfort of the shotgun seat.

We were in a black van heavy with all the techie bells and whistles. Monitors, data banks, scattered scrolls and shards, BD wreaths, spare parts, and lots and lots of ammo.

And of course, no deckhead 'borg van is complete without the Maelstrom skull seal stamped on the metal sliding doors. I had the trunk to myself alongside all the pizza.

I highly underestimated how much these skinny boys can eat! Three boxes down already and two to go. Neither of them has slowed down, just one slice after another. This is what happens when your used to just having beta blockers for breakfast.

I pass up the whole box, might as well, and if I'm lucky they'd take their time. Or at least I'd hope! I texted David over an hour ago with no response. If that fucker isn't dead yet he will be soon if he doesn't take his head out of his ass and say something. I can only distract these leadhead with cheap pizza for so long.

Johnny: V...

I look up and see Johnny sitting between the boxes of ammo and grenades storaged in the back. He looks concerned, which doesn't say much since he disapproves on at least more than half of the shit I do.

"What now Johnny?" I hiss. He's giving me eye daggers through his aviators I know it.

Johnny: You better not be thinking of switching up on Dumbass and Metal Cock just to save some novice class Mercs.

"Hm... dunno what you're talking about. "

Johnny: Fuck V! You what, see this guy naked once and now your going soft on him? The Fixer paid you for intel. Wasn't trying to put you on to a new input or some shit!

"Wow... Ha, you know what? Fuck you Johnny! It's like you don't know me at all. You've been in my fucking head all this time and all you managed to learn about me is my taste in bed? You're a personality construct of a rocker boy gone terrorist! You wanna talk about your shitty life choices? Be my guest. I'm not whoring myself out for not wanting all of Maelstrom zeroing out a beginner squad.

Johnny: Ah, charity work. How noble of you. Give a ring to the mayor's office so he can give your gracious ass a shine new medal.

Oh my god!

"V!! Hey, V. Choom. Chooooom. Are you listening?" Dum Dum waves his hands in front of my face, unaware of my inner battle with I have going on in my head with Johnny Silverhand.

"Yeah, sorry. Mind running that one by me again?"

"I said we got a location. A couple chooms of ours doing bets at the Fight Club in Arroyo caught the stench of the Edgerunners. Trailin' them now. Eight to two. About to teach those gonks a fucking lesson!"

Ahhhh shit! The fuck David was thinking going to a Fight Club?

 Does he not know how to keep a low profile??

Dammit! Gotta play it cool. "Uh huh, sounds preem! Keep me posted, would ya? Gotta delta. A Fixer hit me up on the Holo. That's what had me zoning out. You know I'm not one to missing out on those eddies."

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