V: 13

108 7 2

District: Northside Industrial, Watson

Maelstrom Club: Totentanz

David was practically growling with lust; his dark eyes twinkling with light like fireworks in the night sky. Maybe it was the Glitter, or the way his abnormally large muscles filled out Johnny's jacket. Or maybe it was the way he smelt of booze, sweat and cheap cologne, the kind with high notes of amber and teakwood. Maybe it's all three. I dunno. But whatever the case may be, I can't call this guy my output in front of the Chooms and then not have the guy 'put out'. Especially when he's looking at me like that!

I let my hands travel down to his crotch area and feel the bulge in his pants. He was long and hard as a rock. "Well?" I teased. "What are you waiting for?"

David laughs nervously, which surprises me. He didn't give off the unsure type in bed. At least he didn't when I walked in on him the first time. He chews on his lip, giving a half cheesy smile. "Well... We could move to the bed--"

Halo Call Incoming:

Lucy: Surveillance Cams are officially down, and I've located an escape route. Only--Only obstacle will be to slip past the gonks with guns who are packing some serious heat.

Both David and I jump at the sound of Lucy's voice. His eyes were instantly wide with panic. The fireworks from once before were gone and all he was left with now were big empty saucers. Sighing, I do my best to hide visibly my disappointment.

 Alas, our almost lustful moment was gone. 

Trying to reassure him that everything was okay, I reach out and touch his arm. He snatches it away immediately, backing away even further, unable to meet my gaze.

Geez, what the fuck was that for?

V: Nova. I'll grab Becca. David will give you the signal-signal then all of you make way to scale down the building.

I click off the Halo and turn around to find David's gun barrel in my face. "What the fuck was in that batch of Glitter?!"

Snorting back laughter, I cock an eyebrow up at him. Motherfucker. "The Glitter? Oh... Rightttt. You're gonna blame it alllll on the Glitter. Gotcha. Cool. Fucking Preem!"

"Of course, I am V!!! This isn't me. I mean---- me with.... you?" David shakes his head vigorously. "I'm with Lucy. Always. No matter what. Got that?!"

I roll my eyes. "Sureeee, whatever you say. Just make sure Mr. STUD down there gets the memo. He has a habit of 'standing up' when I come around."

David huffs, "Are you fucking forreal?!" He said other things, but I just tuned him out. Men are all the same, whether they're from Watson, Heywood or Santo Domingo. I was so fucking pissed and to make matters worse, Johnny was doing his "I told you so" speech while pacing in the background.

Johnny: Well, well... Just as fucking expected! You're tryna bone a guy with his netrunner girlfriend toggling servers in the next room! Heh! You're ballsy, V.  I'll give you that. What's next? Gonna try and blow him out in the open after finishing the rescue mission?


Fuck Johnny, fuck David. Fuck this entire night, playing hero all of the sudden became a severe waste of my time. I wanted nothing more but to storm out of Totentanz and never look back, yet bailing halfway on the job wasn't my thing. I had to see this all the way through till the end.

I force myself to look at David, his avoidance of my gaze says it all. He was full of regret. Deep down I can tell he knew it wasn't just the drugs. "You stay here and keep the room on reserve. As long as it looks like we're using the room, no one will come looking for us. I'll go downstairs and find Becca. If we can't make it back up, we'll find another way down. Don't be dumb and try to play hero. Use the window and take the ladder to the base floor."

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