David: 27

91 7 2

District: Corpo Plaza, City Center

"Wait, what?" I'm so taken back even my bloodlust takes a pause. I feel like my brain just flipped on its side and did a spin. "Why would Nolan Frakes try to zero his own daughter?"

Gustavo Orta clutches his iron so tight I can see his brown knuckles turn white, though his stance is shaky like his resolve isn't what it used to be. The Valentino mobster was nothing more than a shell of the once renowned criminal that owned the streets of Heywood. Back when he first became a Tino he was in the shadow of his kin, his cousin to be precise. Gustavo quickly made a name for himself as being ruthless and a fucking terror, especially to 6th Street. Old Gustavo wouldn't be caught dead docking with a member of the Patriots. But times have changed, and since getting involved with the daughter of the enemy, he's mellowed out. Lost the steel balls that used to swing heavy between his legs. Martha must be some kind of gal to have turn Heywood's guard dog into a fucking chihuahua. 

"Martha wasn't supposed to be there," he shakes his head. "The hit was on me and she's the one suffering the consequences. His people, those country ass kissers are the reason she's.... I can't even visit my Martha in the hospital! 6th Street has the whole building blocked off. " The amount of emotion in his voice was startling. I'd never in a million years think I would feel sorry for Gustavo Orta. 

So, Nolan contacts Padre and sets up a contract to what? Tie up loose ends? Or does Nolan not know his people were the real reason his daughter took a bullet to the head? The better question, would he believe the truth if evidence found a way to present itself to him? My guess is if it comes from a Valentino, there's not a chance in hell he's believing them over his own people. 

Gustavo points the gun towards the exit like a man directing traffic. "Leave! Go now. I do not need any of this! I wish to be alone. This ain't the time for rookies to barge in through my door tryna prove themselves. A precious life hangs in the balance of fate, hermano. I don't have time. I fear God may take her away from me too soon. I must get back to my prayer!" 

Rebecca: Oh brother! 

David: Becca... 

Rebecca: This is the guy they left in charge of the Tinos? What a chump!

David: I know, he's definitely not what I was expecting either.

I edge closer towards the staircase, which stood between me, Gustavo and the door. If I climb up, Becca and I can rush him and take him out easy. Or if we make a beeline for the door, we can leave this complicated situation behind us with less blood on our hands.

 Hmpfh, and less eddies lining our pockets too! 

The choice, regrettably so, wasn't a difficult one to make. It makes me wonder if the cyberpsychosis has something to do with it. Gustavo, a man who's grieving his dying girlfriend, and Nolan, a man grieving his dying daughter. Edgerunners will side with the gig handed to us by Padre, who'll be shelling out the eddies. Am I becoming heartless? Losing my morals? The old me would have hesitated, would have found a solution that didn't involve killing. But this David, head of the Edgerunners and infected by psychosis, planned on getting the job done by any means necessary.

"Nolan Frakes wants you dead for what you did to his daughter Martha," I state, holding my gun out finger on the trigger. I can't side with him, not when with everything at stake. I can't help but wonder if V would have done the same.

"Ay, dios mío!" He breathes heavy and shakes his head, frowning. He seems more upset by the accusation than the fact that I was pointing a loaded iron in his direction. The dead bodies on the ground or the intrusion on his home were almost of no significance. 

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