David: 26

124 8 10

District: Corpo Plaza, City Center

I leave V's apartment in a daze. Why do I always feel as if I'm always leaving her? As if the two of us can never be together more than a moment and are destined to always be apart. I bite my lip as I enter the elevator. After this gig, when these eddies hit my account, I wanna celebrate. Need to celebrate, with her. Get to know the real V under all the guts and glory.

Since V's place was on the northern side of City Center, I got about a twenty-minute drive until I reach Petrel Street. Just enough time for me to collect my thoughts as I bury those precious moments with V deep inside and focus on the mission at hand.

Gustavo Orta, the utmost high-ranking member of the Valentinos, currently in charge while the real leader is behind bars. His girlfriend, Martha Frakes is the daughter of 6th Street member, Nolan Frakes. Martha was shot in a drive-by and put into a coma, which of course with the undying feud between the two gangs, Nolan blames Gustavo for his daughter's hospitalized state and finds a Fixer to seek out justice for Martha. Whether or not Gustavo is actually to blame for his girlfriend's accident, is unknown. To be honest, uncovering the truth might hinder me from carrying out the hit, so I'd rather not know to be on the safe side. Nolan Frakes is willing to pay a shit ton of eddies just to see this guy in a body bag, and if we succeed this gig could be the one to put the Edgerunners back on the map.

I meet up with Kiwi, Falco, and Rebecca at the entrance. Becca was back to her usual talkative self again, which was fantastic considering everything that happened, and Kiwi and Falco were diligent as ever. Kiwi had already worked out a plan to bypass security systems.

Gustavo's apartment is a tall ass skyscraper on Petrel Street. Even though it was at the edge of Corpo Plaza, it had the Valentinos insignia and graffiti tagged all up and down the front lobby. The inside was very much giving fresh out of Heywood. A caged elevator waits around the corner, Becca and I go inside it without raising suspicion while Kiwi controlled the cams from the comfort of Falco's ride. She kept in constant communication through our secure comms network using the Holo.

Kiwi: David, Becca, can you hear me?

David: Loud and clear.

Becca: You betcha! 

His room is on the 32nd floor, which is dingy as shit when we arrive with a loud ding from the elevator. The hallway is massive, dark and feels cold like we're underground. The concrete walls were depressing as shit, definitely not like V's apartment building. The room was straight ahead, muffled voices could be heard from inside.

Kiwi: Hacking their security cam footage now. Take a look.

Kiwi flips over control of the cameras to me so I can have a look around. Inside first glance well compensates for the distress hallway, with its high ceilings and expensive furnishings. His suite was spacious with a very open floor plan, and a nice view of the city from his expansive terrace overlooking the streetside. This shit stank of eddies, loads of them. This asshole had more money than he knew what to do with! He had hologram projections of fish swimming around his pool table for crying out loud!

I go back to scoping the place out and spy at least 6 guards from this vantage point, but I don't see Gustavo. He must be somewhere upstairs. Hmm... I crack my knuckles. 

We could be bold. Hack into the front door locks and go in with guns blazing, yet that would only alert every Valentino in the building. No, I decide. We need to play this cautious and smart. V would sneak in, knocking the guards out one by one, to keep from raising suspicion. A clean job, leaving no trace to track down who did what. 

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