David: 18

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[Personal Link: Also known as an Interface Plug, is the cable located at the wrist of most Cyberware users allowing them connection to cyberdecks through a common USB port. It's the fastest way to access the Metaverses of the Net, while securing a safe connection]

[Neokitsch: One of the four major style trends worn in Night City. It was known for its ultra-rich fabrics and aesthetic, appealing to celebrities, business gurus and Corporate Executives]

[Bioconductor: is a type of quickhacking Frontal Cortex Cyberware, used mostly by Netrunners]

District: Kabuki, Watson 

While V sticks her Personal Link into the enemies' database, I make my way through the dark and dingy warehouse. Low light emits from amber flickering bulbs, one downstairs and another just around the corner in the first chamber by the upstairs landing. The sound of soft electric hums perks my ears as I ascend the staircase. I make my way cautiously inside the first room. 

A large ice chest holds center stage in the otherwise mundane, yet ominous space. It was cold, I realize, the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand up from the chill. Above the freezer, rows of vials and mason jars infused with stomach-churning mystery liquids clutter the shelves. Cleavers, scallops, and machetes line the space behind them. Fear fills my lungs as I approach the ice chest, my arms feeling like weights. I crank the heavy lid open, instantly regret floods me as the contents inside twist at my gut, making me want to hurl. 

Death. Meat and flesh preserved; decomposition frozen in time. 

There had to be at least 3 bodies inside the nest of jumbled up limps and torsos. The bodies were hacked into smaller pieces with large open wounds from organ removal. Hearts, Livers, Kidneys, gone. These Rats took everything! These carcasses were once people and now they are no more than frozen meat in a deep freezer. The only things left of monetary value on the bodies were their cybernetic implants. My guess is, they were saving them to rip out and harvest later. 

As if selling illegal kidneys wasn't enough!

They're monsters. I shape my hands into fists, anger seeps in. It's more common to get snatched and gutted for your cyberware than it is make it out of the Slums without blood on your hands. For the average person there's no way out of this constant cycle of death and greed. I crack my knuckles. I'm going to make these motherfuckers pay for this. For all of it. I'm going to rewire their pain receptors all over with my fists. I'm prepared to make them feel every last inch of this ass whooping and just as they start to sober from the pain, cut the screams right out of their chests with a knife to the lungs.  

Every single one will feel my wrath.

With my guard up, I exit passing through the threshold and then make my way down the hallway to the next room. As I near the murmurs ahead, I crouch and flex my clenched hands. Silent takedowns only. I want nothing more than to blast brain matter across the walls but beating them to a pulp will suffice my rage.  For now.

"Hold her! I can't inject her with a muscle stabilizer if she's thrashing around like that!" One masked Scav orders. His voice is low, like the hum of a radiator vibrating in the distance. Whispering as if he knew someone could be listening. Unfortunately, someone was.

"Why does it matter? Just cut the damn Bioconductor out of her so we can all go home!" Another Scav threatens. He sounds impatient, as if cutting into someone's skull wasn't the kind of overtime he asked for. He wore a pair of all black sunglasses, the lower half of his face stern, unkempt and ugly.

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