David: 22

113 7 9

The Badlands, Outskirts of Night City

The following morning before the sun could peak over the dunes, V and I were trekking through open plains back to Night City in silence. Last night was unmistakably one of the best nights of my life yet the morning after reality smacks me in the face, and I feel nothing but the weight of my own guilty conscience.

I have to see Lucy.

I made my choice and looking back at the night V and I shared together, I'd do it again. No regrets, not a care in the world holding me back. But even if emotionally Lucy and I ended things long ago, I know I need to be the one who snips the rest of it in the bud. I have no idea what I'm going to say, but all I know is my days in Night City will never be the same.

V and I part ways at the NCart Station. I toss her the keys to her vehicle and send her the coordinates to where I stashed her stuff. She didn't ask questions or try to pull more words out of me. In fact, she was so calm about the whole damn thing which strangely enough made me uneasy.

Once on the train, my fists grip the handlebars tightly as I fall victim to the doubtful voice inside my head.

Was I wrong for choosing V? She was so nonchalant parting ways it was as if last night didn't mean a damn thing. Did it? I squeeze my eyes shut and rub my temples. Did she think so?  Or did she hook up with guys like that all the time? I have no right to be possessive over V. But what if it was meaningless sex to her? What if after she reclaims her bike V drives back to the Red Peak to blow River's dick and leaves me in the dust?!

Lucy, on the other hand, was secretive. I have no idea what she's been up to night after night. I've asked her countless times with no budge, and after her endless secrets my heart finally began to cave in. Broken hearted is an understatement. I was devastated when I came to the conclusion I wasn't good enough for her, and I've been holding these thoughts and feelings in ever since. 

It's no excuse, I know it. I'm guilty and I practically have my wrongdoings tattooed on my fucking forehead. But Lucy, she was guilty too. Of what? Hell if I know or will ever know for that matter.  First, I'll head for Doc's and have him patch me up, then I'll be the barrier of bad news. 

District: Wellsprings, Heywood

I unlock the familiar door to the apartment, the door feeling unusually heavy as it swung open. Maybe it was symbolic of my own guilt weighting me down. Or maybe it was the meds from my Ripper.

Lucy is in the living room, snacking on a protein bar with back ports out, as if she just got finished with a deep dive. I spot her as I around the corner. Her eyes meet mine and she instantly lunges off the couch with big round eyes. She was both surprised and taken back by my arrival. 

"DAVID!" She sounds relieved, which in return is like a deep punch to the gut.

I don't deserve your worry or pity, Luce.

I muster the courage to acknowledge her grievances, although I rather not with the small talk and just cut to the chase. At the moment casual conversation feels fake and despite all that's happened, I don't wanna be fake with Lucy. 

"Hey Luce." I greet her, my voice somber. 

As if recognizing my iffy mood, she tenses, her small lethal body automatically on edge. "What is it? Something's happened, hasn't it?" 

Here it goes. I take a deep breath. "I--"

"Shit! How much trouble are you in? Is it all Edgerunners or just you?" She grills me. "Kiwi, Becca, Falco. Do they know?" She's breathing hard all her words were jumbled together as if she needed to rush them out. "I can dive back in and erase any files and wanted posters of theirs' as well. Just give me a minute I need to recharge first."

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