David: 15

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The Next Day

District: Little China, Watson

I didn't go home last night. What happened in Totentanz made Lucy and I wary of laying our heads down, let alone allowing ourselves to be perceived as vulnerable targets. I wasn't worried about Maelstrom, nor even Padre's warning of showing face in Heywood. It was V.

I couldn't bring myself to go anywhere she might be, including my place since she'd already notoriously broke into before.

Knowing where I live, where I did business, and who I was in business with... V knew too much! I was starting to believe I couldn't shit in Night City without V somehow catching whiff of it. However, I did have one piece of leverage, two if you count the sentimental outer wear.

The trashy Samurai memento and her sleek motorbike. The jacket, from what I gathered, was precious. A collectible or at least a piece worth a bit more than chump change. The bike was definitely something of value, on the market now for at least 71 grand.

Doubt she'll be able to go a day without hunting down her ride. I would have left it in a ditch somewhere in Northside if it wasn't for Becca collapsing from pure exhaustion. She was worn out from a long night of Fight Clubs, shoot outs, cyberpsychos, and Borgs. If anyone deserved a good night's rest, it was Rebecca. We stayed the night at the No Tell Motel in Kabuki and then, reluctantly, parted ways once the sun cleared the city's sky.

Becca said she needed to be alone after that. My guess, being held captive in the Borgs hideout got to her head more than she led us to believe.

Can't blame her. The time I spent in Totentanz had me questioning a whole lot of shit, enough to send my ass on a deep search online, tracking down all the known symptoms of Glitter consumption and proof it was what made me undeniably horny last night.

Not the atmosphere. Not the booze. Not V.

But the powdery substance the Claws mix up in their Kabuki base garages.

Lucy had her own midnight plans. She slipped out sometime between the hours of 3 am and 5am, thinking I wouldn't notice.

I did.

But after what happened in the motel room with V, I'd be a hypocrite to interrogate my girlfriend on her whereabouts, so I drop it completely. I could barely bring myself to meet Lucy's eyes. If she only knew what happened in those back rooms....

Could she have known?

There was a moment she was synced up to the club's security system. I shake the thought out of my head. No way the private rooms had cameras in them, and if so, Lucy would have said something by now. No, I reassured myself. There was something else. Her own agenda.

But... what?

We stiffly decide on grub when leaving the No Tell Motel. We couldn't go home, and we didn't have the heart to bring message to the rest of the crew how deep of shit we're in after last night. So, food it is.

We snag a booth at Tom's Diner, Lucy, and I sitting across from one another in silence. There's so much to talk about, but neither one of us spilled a single word from our lips. To make matters worse, I could barely touch my food. Didn't matter I had a full stack of buttery pancakes and hadn't eaten since yesterday; my stomach was doing cartwheels for no reason.

She didn't know, there's no way. Yet I can't help but feel as if there was something boiling from the other side of the table, something cooking inside of her ready to explode.

I take a deep breath. Maybe it's all in my head. Just as I pick my fork off the plate fiddling with the butterflies and attempting to force myself to eat after the loss of appetite, Lucy breaks her silence.

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