First day time!

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Their first day was a tropical theme with Nagisa as a island girl, and karma as the island prince. He let his hair down, and put a flower in it, along with a flower necklace. Karma had one that matched it, and Nagisa hid in the kitchen before the club opened. He heard a conversation with haruhi, when he got a beep. Checking his phone, he saw a message from ritsu. 'Host club clear. No id's match what we've found. These people are trustworthy enough to take them at their word!' he read, and sighed. He figured it wasn't but was relieved anyways. The more people they could cross off their list, the better.

When the club finally opened, nagisa came out with a platter of tea and cookies, stoping by his new boyfriends table first. "Karma kun, why are you known as the sadistic type?" one of his guests asked. Nagisa chuckled as he set it down.

"If you want I'll show you doll face." He said with a wink. Nagisa wanted to kill her out of jealousy, but kept his bloodlust under control. He knew karma wasn't interested in reality. But that didn't stop Nagisa from getting a little jealous. The girls squealed, and one fainted.

"You're good at this strawberry."

"Why thank you blueberry." He said with a wink again. Nagisa rolled his eyes, but smiled, before going to get more items for each table. The twins used their act, and haruhi just smiled. Tamaki used a small bit of his charm, and kyoya was just cool and collected as ever. Mori and honey were the only ones that asked questions about Nagisa and Karma.

"So how long have you been practicing martial arts nagisa chan?" They had a prepared answer ready for this, to make it more believable.

"About four or five years now."

"Wow! What about karma chan?"

"About the same time. Do you call everyone 'chan?'"

"Yeah, why?"

"Word of advice, unless you want to be tortured, you don't call him that in front of him."

"I think we'll be fine."

"No, really you wont be. Unless you want your most precious item ruined." Honey gasped.

"He wouldn't."

"Oh he would. And let me tell you, that's not a threat, that's a promise."

"I wont then." He said a little sad, but accepted that not everyone would like it.

"Nagisa chan~" Karma said jumping behind him and hugging him close to him.

"What is it karma?"

"Wanna go to the party with me?"

"Party? What party?"

"Did you not hear? The ouran host club is throwing a formal party next week."

"Yeah we rented the schools largest hall to hold it in." Nagisa sighed. Another day where he'd have to dress the part.

"Sure thing!" He said, pretending to be exited about this. He absolutely was not. He'd have to ask mrs bitch to get him a formal dress now. Great.

"Great!" Karma said, plating a kiss on Nagisa's cheek, before going back to his table. The day went by slowly before they were finally permitted to change back into their uniforms. Time for party planning! And the host clubs 'king' was moping, eating instant ramen.

"Come on boss! stop eating that commoners ramen and help us with the party planning!"

"You know she's had the illness for a while now."

"What illness?"

"She's got the host hopping disease."

"Aka, the never the same boy twice disease." 

"Usually our customers choose a favorite host and see them regularly, however miss kaniko tends to switch her favorites on a regular basis."

"That's right, because before she was with you, she was with tama-chan!" The two assassins in disguise looked at each other. 

"Shut up, I couldn't care less about that! I'm running out of patience! Haruhi, it's time you started dressing like a girl!" Nagisa paled. Why was he fighting someone about this, when there were human trafficker's on the loose. And here the hosts were, party planning. 

"Yeah, she opted out of taking gym classes."

"And the attendance numbers are all mixed together so nobody can tell."

"Now haruhi, you listen to daddy." He pulls out a big photo of middle school haruhi. If it wasn't for their filed being secured tightly, they would be worried they found out about their pasts as 3-E students. That was the last thing they needed. "Daddy wants you to go back to the way you were!"

"Don't go blowing up my photos without asking me first!"

"I'm still amazed. How did that, go to that?" Hikaru asked.

"The day before school started, some kids in my neighborhood got some gum stuck in my hair. It's a real pain to get gum out of long hair, so I cut it off. I didn't care if I looked like a dude, you know?"

"A lady should never refer to herself as a dude, mama!"

"I'm sorry, but who's mama?"

"Based on club position, I assume it's me."

"Hate to change the subject, but do any of you three have formal dancing experience? You'll need it for the party." 

"Yeah." Nagisa and Karma said together. For once, their classes with miss bitch were paying off. 

"No, but that doesn't have anything to do with my quota right? I'm not interested in activities like that so if I could be excused?"

"Absolutly not. If you want to live the life of a host that badly, you must learn how to dance. I order you to master the watz by the end of next week, and demonstrate it to us at the party. Or else, I'll tell everyone you're a girl, and knock you back down to errand boy." Haruhi whimpered, and Karma chuckled, enjoying the fear in their eyes. 

When they got back to their apartment, nagisa called miss bitch. "Hey kid. Everything going to plan?"

"Not really. We got dragged into a host club, and now there's a party. And I hate this, but I need you to take me dress shopping for it." Miss bitch squealed in excitement. 

"I'll take you this weekend, how does that sound?"

"Actually, if you could pick some out and bring them over-"

"Absolutely not."

"But if we get caught by the club, they're going to ask questions! We told them we got kicked out by our parents, so saying you're my mom or something won't work!"

"Then I'm your aunt! We'll say I took you and Karma in, and you two are living with me and kurasuma." Nagisa sighed. 


"Good. Be up and ready by 9:00. Bye nagisa!" Before he could say another word, she hung up on him. He was not looking forward to this weekend, but it was for the mission. 

Sucking it up, he sighed. For the sake if the mission, he was going to do it. 

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