The dress

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I wasn't looking forward to going to the mall with miss bitch, (She told me to call her auntie irina in the mall as to not blow our cover) I got into her car anyways though, and got ready for what I presumed to be a long day. 

We arrived at the mall, and went right to a woman's clothing store. Based off my size of small, she pulled a few items off the racks, and handed them to me. A green high low dress, a red dress that reached my mid thighs, a blue dress that almost reached the floor, and a black mini dress that looked like it was going to be tight. I looked at her, and handed it right back. "I'm not wearing something that short auntie." She huffed, but put it back. 

"Fine fine, go try those on, I'll find some shoes for you to wear with them."

"Can't I just wear the ones I usually wear?"

"No. If we're pulling this off, you need a more formal pair. I'll try to get some flats though." I sighed, but nodded. At least she was going to get something I'd know how to walk in. I went to the dressing rooms, and got in one. I felt a little weird with being a boy in a ladies dressing room, but I sighed. They probably wouldn't believe I was a boy in the first place. Stripping my clothes till I was just in my boxers, I tried on the green dress first. 

It felt nice, since miss bitch was choosing simple dresses for me to try on, but here's the problem. It was too short for my liking. My boxers were almost showing, and I shook my head. Nope, definitely not. 

I put on the blue dress. It was loose in the front, to normally accommodate breasts. But I don't have any. I was already wearing a sports bra to make it look like I had some sort of chest, but this was a spaghetti strap dress, meaning it would show. I groaned and took it off. One left, and then I'm done, right? 

I slipped it over my head and tied the bow, and looked at myself in the mirror. It actually looked pretty good. It was a solid wine red, with a bow to the left. It was a more modest dress, reaching just above my knees, and short sleeves so the sports bra wouldn't show. "Hey nagisa, you made a decision yet?"

"Yeah, I think I have."

"Can I see?"

"I guess.." I unlocked the door, and stepped out. Miss bitch was silent, before gushing over how cute I looked. When I finally was able to pry her off me, she smiled. 

"Get dressed in your normal clothes. This is the one."

"What about what you were looking for?"

"Oh yeah! I found a pair of black flats, that will go perfectly with that. Don't worry. We'll get a little something to go with it, and a little makeup, and we'll be good to leave."

"Wait, how am I supposed to put all that on?"

"I'm sure one of your neighbors can show you how, right?" I thought about it. Haruhi's dad might be able to.

"I think I know someone who can help." 

"Perfect. Let's go." We checked out, before getting some neutral pink lipstick, a little pallet of eyeshadow, and mascara. "You don't need a full face for this. We want to highlight the best features. Besides, we don't want you feeling like your face is too heavy." I sighed in relief this time. I wouldn't be piling a bunch of gunk on my face today. Thank god. 

We got a red choker with a green gem in it, and that was it. With that, we headed back to karma's and I's apartment, dropping me off around noon. I was ready to sleep for the rest of the day when I got back, but I smelled that karma was cooking something. I smiled as miss bitch drove to her home, and hugged karma from behind. 

"Long day?"


"Well, I can't wait to see you in that dress you bought." He chuckled, and slapped my ass. I squeaked. 


"You love me."

"You're right, I do." 

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