Dance time!

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It was the night of the party, and I was nervous. I had asked Ranka (Haruhi's father) To help with hair and makeup, and now we were at the school. We were on the lookout for anybody suspicious, but overall, we were there to attend the party. A few guys were there to dance with me, since technically I'm part of the club. I was standing on a balcony next to karma, and the lights were off. Lets just hope nothing goes wrong tonight. Security is high, but not impenetrable. Someone could go missing of someone else really tried. Our main priority was to catch the people if possible, before going back to doing online schooling. I stood behind the food trays, ready to serve people, while I kept an eye out for anyone suspicious. I pulled down my dress a little, and sighed. This was going to be a long night. 

The lights were off, and the hosts were getting prepared as girls filed into the hall. "It is so good to see you tonight my little lambs. The ouran host club would like to bid you-" A spotlight flashed, shining down on tamaki. I sweat-dropped. Flamboyant much? "Welcome." The lights came on one by one as the other hosts bowed. 

"Welcome." An orchestra came on while the girls applauded. 

"As always ladies the host club members are here for your entertainment. So we invite you to dance to your hearts content. Based on her dancing skills one lucky lady will be chosen as tonight's queen. The queens reward will be a passionate kiss on the cheek from our king."

"Good luck to you, my darlings." The girls squealed and some fainted, as the twins came up to haruhi. They were talking quieter, so I had no idea what they were saying, but something was said, that made tamaki flip over the balcony he was on, and shout something unintelligible to me from over all the commotion. I shrugged as some girls came to me for drinks already, and put on a fake smile. 

It's going to be a long night. 

All I noticed were some guys talking to a girl, but I couldn't make out any featured on them. But I did see them leave with her. I was about to follow when I was dragged away with haruhi. "There she is!" 

"You didn't have to be so forceful!"

"Nevermind that, go get changed."


"A little accident towards the end of the night would be quite thrilling. And remember haruhi, there are only 20 minutes remaining before the party reaches it's climax. Suzishima is already waiting for you in the classroom across the hall." 

"You have to ask him how he feels okay?"

"Uhh, we know this is the bosses strategy but it's kind of unsettling." The twins said, putting makeup on haruhi. The door opened showing tamaki there.

"Gentlemen, here you all are, what are you doing?! The guests are waiting for..." He trained off when he saw haruhi. 

"Well what do you think?"

"Wow you look so cute!"

"My face feels heavy and it's hard to walk in these shoes." 

"Good luck haruhi!"

"I can't believe, she's so pretty!"

"Stop gushing, don't you have something to do too?" I reminded him. he snapped right out of his trance and went to do his job as we all went back to the ball room. 

"Nagisa chan~" Karma called. "Do you want to dance?" I sighed. 

"Sure." I want to go home. But I grabbed his hand none the less, and we walked to the dancefloor. He was soft with his moves, spinning me slowly, and holding me like I was glass. I smiled softly while blushing. He was a really good dancer. 

"Ladies and gentlemen. it is now time for us to begin the last dance of the night of this evenings festivities. The last dance of the night has been reserved for this couple." They began the dance and he told her about how he really felt. It was beautiful, really. "Ah, may this awkward couple be forever blessed!"

"And now to announce the queen of the ball!"

"Congratulations princess kaniko kanuazaki!" The girls started to applaud.

"And for her reward a kiss on the cheek from the king!"

"You ready?"

"Haruhi fujioka will be standing in his place."


"Kyoya did say a little accident towards the end of the night would be thrilling!"

"There's no way I can kiss her."

"We'll cut your debt by 1/3."

"Well it is just a peck on the cheek." She went down, and was about to kiss her, when honey chimed in.

"Wait, you don't think this is haru-chan's first kiss do you?"

"Wait haruhi!" Tamaki yelled as he tried to stop it, before slipping on a banana peel and making it a kiss on the lips. 

Welp- time to go home! Cause I'm not staying in this dress any longer. 

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