Chapter 13- The Tournament

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It was currently 7 a.m. in the morning. When everyone returned to Beacon after the date yesterday, Team BANE played some video games for a few hours before turning in for the night. After all, more rounds of the Vytal tournament were going to continue today, and Yang and Weiss were going to participate. As Team BANE continued sleeping peacefully in their beds, they were suddenly awakened by the sound of screaming, shouting, and something hitting their window. This caused the brothers to shoot their eyes open in anger. It's one thing to piss off a US Marine, but if you piss off a US Marine while they're asleep? You might as well dig your own grave to save them the trouble. 

Eric: *tired and pissed off* "What's with all the racket?!" *rips the curtains open*

Looking outside their window, Team BANE saw there were what looked like hundreds of people walking around just outside Beacon's main entrance. Many were holding signs and shouting things they couldn't hear from this height and distance.

Brody: *confused* "Protesters? What the hell is going on?"

Andrew: "Noah, hand me the binoculars." 

Noah: "Sure." *grabs binoculars & gives them to Andrew*

As Andrew took the binoculars from Noah, he then put them to his eyes to get a better idea of what was going on outside. It looked less like a protest, and more of a riot as people were overturning trash cans, throwing things at the school, and even clashing with a line of Atlesian AK-200s and a few soldiers, all of which were equipped with riot shields. As Andrew looked closer, his blood began to boil with anger. The signs the rioters were holding had anti-Faunus rhetoric written on them, things like "No animals at the tournament" and "Festivals are no place for freaks." And while he couldn't hear them from this distance, Andrew guessed that they were more than likely shouting racial slurs. What pissed him off the most however, was at the very front of the rioters was none other than the former Team CRDL.  

Andrew: "You guys are not gonna believe this." *hands binoculars to Eric*

Eric: *annoyed & angry* "What the fuck are they doing back here?! I thought we got rid of those assholes!"

Brody: "They're either extremely brave, or extremely stupid to come back here after being expelled."

Noah: *deadpan face* "It's Team CRDL, they ran away from a single Ursa in the show, and they outnumbered it 4-1. They have no balls, it's all stupidity."

Andrew: "Either way, we need to talk to Oz about this." 

Eric: "The riot or CRDL?" 

Andrew: "Yes."

After getting dressed in their usual outfits, Team BANE left their dorm room and ran to the elevator up to Ozpin's office. When they arrived they saw that Ironwood and Qrow were in a heated argument with Glynda and Ozpin.

Ironwood: *angry* "Ozpin, this is getting out of hand! We need to act now!"

Qrow: *serious tone* "For once, I agree with Jimmy. At this rate the entire school is going to be under siege."

Glynda: *massages head in annoyance* "For the last time, we can't just..."

Brody: *annoyed* "What in the hell is going on out there?!"

Ozpin: "It appears the rioters are against Faunus students partaking in the Vytal Festival. They've been at this for the past hour."

Noah: *shocked and annoyed* "They've been out there for a fucking hour?! Where the hell is the police?!"

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