Chapter 10- The Dance

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(Author: Here's a fun game, take a shot every time you see the word dance.)

It was currently 10 a.m. in the morning. The majority of the residents of the City of Vale had woken up and started their day. Most of the adults who weren't busy at the moment were watching the news with looks of shock on there faces.

Lisa Lavender: "This is Lisa Lavender of the Vale News Network, reporting to you live from the warehouse district in the City of Vale. The White Fang was attacked yet again last night, and while it was not as grotesque as the last massacre, the body count is substantially higher. When authorities arrived at Warehouse 69..." *cameraman chuckles* "...they discovered the bodies of 150 White Fang members, along with a destroyed Atlesian Paladin. Three more destroyed Paladins were also found at the nearby junkyard with 3 more dead members of the White Fang, one of whom appeared to have been executed with a shot to the head. Thankfully there was only minimal damage caused by the Paladins and no civilian casualties have been reported from their rampage. General Ironwood of the Atlesian military, as well as the Atlas Council have refused to comment on the matter, only stating the Paladins that were discovered were in fact prototype models. They also stated that they have the best security on Remnant, and are currently investigating how the White Fang had gotten their hands on these prototypes. The individual or individuals responsible for these killings, as well as the destruction of the Paladins are still at this moment unknown. Vale authorities being assisted by the Atlesian military are investigating the matter, along with retrieving the bodies and removing the Paladins. However if the scene of this slaughter wasn't disturbing enough already, when authorities entered the warehouse, they heard very odd music playing in the background, lets take a listen."

Walking into the warehouse, Lisa Lavender and the cameraman walked past several officers clearing the bodies, until they came upon the screen still blaring the music.

Video Screen: "Never Going To Give You Up, never going to let you down. Never gonna run around and, desert you." 

Lisa Lavender: "A very strange sight indeed. We will get back to you with more updates. Until then, this is Lisa lavender signing off."

With the news report over, Ozpin shut off the TV and looked towards the present members of his inner circle.

Qrow: *raised eyebrow* "Really Jimmy? The best security on Remnant? Who is going to believe that after 4 of your Paladins got stolen right under your nose?!"

Ironwood: *rubs eyes in frustration* "The Atlas Council thought it'd be best to say that to keep panic to a minimum. Meanwhile I have to actually deal with the issue myself, as usual." 

Glynda: "Well either way James, I suggest you get better security measures. The last thing we need is the White Fang getting their hands on more military-grade weapons. We were fortunate enough that Team BANE had destroyed the ones they already had."

Qrow: *looks at Ozpin* "So what do you think about all this Oz? This is the second time the White Fang have been dealt a serious blow in the past week."

Ozpin was silent for a moment until he let out a deep sigh.

Ozpin: "I can't say I agree with Team Bane's methods, but at the very least they are being discreet and avoiding innocent deaths."

Ironwood: "Like it or not Ozpin, sometimes the direct approach is more effective. Not only did the White Fang lose even more of their members than last time, but they also lost four assets that they cannot afford to replace easily."

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