Chapter 6- Infiltration and Darkness

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WARNING: This chapter will have some dark, graphic, and disturbing themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

It has been 3 days since Team CRDL had been expelled from Beacon. With them now gone, the academy was in much brighter spirits since the semester started. With the main instigators of Faunus prejudice now permanently removed from the school, what discrimination that remained within the walls of the academy was dealt with swiftly by Headmaster Ozpin and the other professors. With it being an early Saturday morning, Team BANE was currently walking around Vale seeing what the city had to offer.

Noah: "Alright, we've checked out the movie theater, the arcade, a few restaurants, and a monument to the Great War. Where do you guys want to head next?"

Eric: "How about the library? We can always learn more about Remnant's history."

Brody: "I guess that's fine. There's no Paintball or laser tag around here, so I guess that's the next best thing."

Andrew: *stops walking* "Heads up guys, we got company."

Confused and cocking a brow at that comment, Noah, Brody, and Eric looked forward and immediately went on alert. Walking towards them in a very suggestive manner was the one and only bitch, Cinder Fall. And as Team BANE were very well aware, wherever she was, her 2 lackeys weren't far behind.

Noah: *whispers* "Any sign of Emerald and Mercury?"

Subtly looking around, Eric quickly spotted them sitting at a table across the street.

Eric: *whispers* "Restaurant table, 3 o'clock." 

Brody: *whispers* "I see em. Keep an eye on them. Make sure they don't try anything."

Nodding in confirmation, they stopped talking the moment Cinder arrived in front of them.

Cinder: "Hello boys."

Andrew: "Boys? Ma'am we're 22. (Andrew's Mind: *throws up* "I can't believe I just called HER ma'am!")

Cinder: "Oh, my apologies. Would you strong young men care to take me out to lunch? *suggestive tone* I promise I'll make it worth your while."

Team BANE's Minds: 

"Is she trying to seduce us?!?!?! Nope Nope Nope, no way, no chance in hell, absolutely not, no times no divided by no to the power of oh hell no!!!"

Noah: *forced smile* "No thanks, we're good."

Cinder: "I see. Well will this, *pulls out wads of lien* change your mind?" 

Eric: *forced smile* "We're already set for life, but thanks for the offer. Now if you'll excuse us, we really must be going."

Without saying another word, Team BANE quickly left the trash in their wake before she could say another word. This only caused her to grow frustrated just as Mercury and Emerald walked up to her.

Emerald: "Any luck Cinder?"

Cinder: "No. Convincing them to join us is going to be more difficult than I originally anticipated."

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