Chapter 12- The Date

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(Author: HOLY SHIT, this took longer to write than I would have liked! All will be explained at the end of the chapter, along with a poll and an announcement. And just a heads up, the format of this chapter is going to be a little bit different.)

It was currently 3 p.m. in the afternoon. The Vytal Festival has officially begun and Team BANE were walking around the city of Vale. It has been 2 weeks since the "fight" (one-sided massacre would be more accurate) at the docks, and Andrew had finally gotten back to his usual self after recovering from the incident with the children. With them having no more classes today, they decided to take a walk around the town to take a look at the many events the Vytal Festival had to offer.

Noah: *looking around* "Looks like the business for the Vytal Festival is booming."

Andrew: "All the events and stalls are definitely drawing in one hell of a crowd."

Eric: "Speaking of which Noah, how are you, Winter, and Glynda doing?" *grins* 

Noah: "Well, I haven't seen Winter since we first arrived here, given she went back to Atlas with General Ironwood. As for Glynda, she's a tough nut to crack. I can definitely tell she has some sort of affection towards me, but she's still trying to be professional. She's one of those people who believes it isn't appropriate for a teacher to be close with a student, but I'm sure she'll come around she..."

???: "My purse!"

Looking forward, Team BANE saw a guy running away from an old woman with a purse in hand. Quickly deducing that he was a mugger, Noah reacted by closing the distance and stabbing the mugger in the chest with his shock blade, knocking him unconscious.

Noah: *returns purse* "So anyway..." *old woman says 'thank you' in the background* ...she's been slowly showing more signs of affection, but it's still going to take awhile. What about you guys?"

Brody: *shrugs* "Fine for the most part. Yang, Coco, and I are technically dating, though we're not official yet. Still haven't gone on any dates either, Coco did drag me shopping the other day though. Put a pretty sizeable dent in 'my' wallet, hehe."

Andrew: "Everything's going really well with Blake and Velvet. They really helped me get back to normal. If it wasn't for them, I'd probably still be depressed for a few more months. We've gone to lunch a few times, though they weren't technically dates."

Eric: "Ruby & Weiss have been subtly trying to get closer to me, though I also have a feeling that they'll be a bit possessive."

Noah: *raised eyebrow* "I can understand Weiss, but how the hell can Ruby of all people be possessive?"

Eric: "She's possessive of Crescent Rose and cookies."

Noah: "Hmm, good point. I think we should take the next step. It's the weekend tomorrow, so why don't we invite them all on a date. I'll even take care of all the planning."

Brody: "Hey guys, look over there." *points across the street* 

Looking where Brody was pointing, Noah, Andrew, and Eric saw a temple like structure. On both sides of the entrance, there were two statues of...

Andrew: *annoyed* "Is that what I think it is?"

Eric: *eye twitches* "You have got to be fucking kidding me! The brother gods?! There's still people who worship those two sacks of shit?!"

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