Chapter 7- The Truth

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It was currently 7:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY had woken up 5 minutes ago and were making their way towards Team BANE's dorm room. They were still reeling from last night's events. 7 hours ago, they were kidnapped by the White Fang and interrogated for nearly 2 hours. They were all confused and scared at what the White Fang wanted with them until they started asking questions about Team BANE. Despite being confused about why they wanted to know anything about their friends, Teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY didn't give up any information, not wanting to put the brothers in any danger. This caused the White Fang members to become increasingly more agitated and were about to resort to more horrific forms of interrogation (starting with Ruby) until they were rescued by Team BANE at the last minute. At first, they were relieved and glad to see them. That sense of relief quickly turned into fear and terror as Team BANE started killing the guards in a brutal fashion. It shook them all to their very cores and now they wanted answers. Everyone was silent as they were walking through the hallways of Beacon Academy, until Yatsuhashi spoke up.

Yatsuhashi: "Are you sure this is a wise course of action?"

Yang: "I don't know, but we need answers and we need them now."

Fox: "But they killed dozens of people! We need to report them immediately!"

Pyrrha: "They saved our lives. Besides, I'm sure they had a reason."

Jaune: "Yeah! Maybe they had no other choice but to kill them in self-defense. There were only four of them and dozens of guards after all."

Weiss: "Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you Pyrrha. Jaune also makes a good point. But I have to agree with Fox. I may not like the White Fang, but even I have to admit that Andrew and his brothers went too far last night. Especially with how they killed them. There was much blood."

Jaune and Pyrrha couldn't find a reason to argue with Weiss's logic. No matter how hard one tries to justify it, the carnage that was left at the warehouse last night was too much for even the strongest of stomachs to handle.


After freeing Teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY, Team BANE was walking through the corridor of the warehouse with the others following closely behind them. As they were walking, Teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY couldn't help but look at all the corpses that littered the hallway. Most of them had cauterized slash marks on their torsos and had looks of fear on their faces. As they arrived to the main storage room of the warehouse, they were met with a gruesome sight. Littering the ground was pools of blood and corpses everywhere. There were charred remains of burnt victims, body parts all over the floor from explosions, a body literally split in half, and severed heads, with the lucky ones having clearly been shot. It was such a mess, that one could not take a step forward without stepping on a body or blood. In the middle of the room, Razorback was still feasting on the entrails of the White Fang grunt he had killed along with Hookfang and the Oggdo Bogdo. The scene before them was so grotesque that Weiss and Velvet nearly fainted. Jaune, Yang, and Coco vomited. Ruby and Ren looked away in disgust. Blake, Pyrrha, Nora, Yatsuhashi, and Fox stood there in shock, not believing what they were seeing. 

Nora: "Wh-What happened here? D-Did you guys do all this?"

Stopping in their tracks, Team BANE looked to Nora with their eyes still pitch yellow.

Noah: "Not now, we can't speak here." 

Eric: "Meet us at our dorm room first thing in the morning. We'll explain everything then. For now, get back to the academy."

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